8: Wasted Time

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My steps were full of fear, anger and curiosity as I was walking towards pd-nims office. Like an ill mannered person, I stormed inside the office of JYPE's CEO like he wasn't my boss. He looked at me probably curious and mad at the same time. If what Yoo Jeongyeon said was true, I might lose all the respect I have for him, I might not be able to consider him as a person atleast.

"What brings you here, Nayeon?" He asked authoritatively. A hint of anger is indeed evident in his voice.

"I have some important matters to talk to you about pd-nim." I said glaring at him. He was probably surprised that I talked down to him.

He didn't utter a word but just stared at me as if he was waiting for me to deliver my question. I sat in front of him trying to extend my patience and not act rashly instantly.

"Is it true pd-nim?" My throat lumped as I continued to ask my question to him. A part of me was still wishing that it wasn't true. For the years I've spent here in JYPE, I've thought of him as my father. And thinking that he did something so horrible is disappointing and painful for me.

"What is true Nayeon? Please explain your question deeper, I can't understand you." He said as if he really doesn't understand a word about what I said.

"10 years ago. Is it true that you're the one who made Jeongyeon broke up with me?" I said looking down that made him straighten up in his seat and dropped everything that he was holding seconds ago. "I didn't want to believe it, but pd-nim, is it true? I need to hear it from you, I need a confirmation from you." I asked him nonstop. I wanted to hear the answer but I wanted to deny the truth, because I will definitely get hurt by it. If he says no, then it'll make Jeongyeon a liar. But if he says yes, it will change everything that I believed all those years. I was looking at him straight in the eyes now, he sighed before giving me his answer.

"I wouldn't deny it, Nayeon." He said and I got surprised over his answer. So that's the truth, the truth that I've been living my life full of lies for the past 10 years resenting Jeongyeon.

For 10 years I blamed Jeongyeon, not knowing that she was just a victim of this vicious person in front of me. I was right after all, Jeongyeon will never leave like that, she will never leave me like that.

"I already admitted to all of my mistakes. It is a horrible thing that I committed and I know that. If you're asking me that question right now, then it means you already knew. So my answer is yes, Nayeon. Yes, I did that. I separated the two of you because I was a greedy man who thinks of all my artist as my money producer. I'm trying to make things right and I know that it wouldn't be enough but I'm really sorry." He continued and stood up after then bowed to me. He bowed to me in shame and regret, but that isn't enough to put out the fire in my heart.

Anger is now raging through my whole system but I'm trying my best not to let it out. I wanted to slap him, punch him and hurt him just like what he did to us, but instead, I just walked away and kept all the anger I had inside me.

I just ran out of the building and called for a taxi, I couldn't bear seeing people that I know right now. I told the driver to take me to the hospital where Jeongyeon works. If I wanted to see someone right now it would be her.

I need to apologize to her atleast. For the past 10 years, my rage was always towards her. In my head it was her fault, not knowing that she was the victim all along. Thinking that she's gone through too much pain that is much much more bigger than what I felt is breaking every piece of me.

Yoo Jeongyeon, I'm really really sorry for pushing you lately. Before, I was in doubt of all your actions towards me, but now, I believe you Jeongyeon-ah, I will believe you no matter what.


1 month later

"Do you like the food?" She asked as she was removing her apron. I couldn't deny that she looks very sexy right now, but this is just unacceptable.

"I do. But don't you think we should enjoy local foods in the restaurants out there?" I said pouting at her, we are overseas but she cooked a meal for us that we eat everytime in Korea. I do like it, she is a good cook indeed, but we are here to explore and food is one thing to explore.

"That's a good idea, but I think we should get ourselves full with the food we like before exploring things outside." She reasoned out, she's always this boring, I wondered why I love her. Maybe because she's smart? Pretty? Rich? Or maybe I just do love her? No matter what, I can't accept this.

"But how are we going to explore things if we're full?!" I complained to her as I put down my chopsticks. She just walked towards me smiling as if she doesn't mind me having tantrums right now. She cupped my cheeks and made me look at her.

"I said explore things love, not food. We can try foods tomorrow." She said as she left millions of kisses in my lips. Damn it, I think I'm blushing like crazy right now. "Okay?" She said as she smiled and stopped the kisses.

"If you say so." I just said and looked down, trying to hide my face from her. It's embarrassing to show her the evidence of excitement in my face because of what she did earlier. She has this habit of hers to make me shy eventhough it wasn't the first time that she showed me affections like that.

"I'll get ready first." She said and left a kiss on my head. This girl never failed to amaze me everytime. She walked out of the kitchen and headed towards the bathroom to take a bath. I took a shower earlier while she was cooking so I just need to dress up later. I'm just wearing a bathrobe right now.

After I finished eating everything that she cooked for me, I walked towards the veranda and leaned on its railings, feeling the cold morning winter breeze of Paris. We always dreamed to be in here, seeing the Eiffel Tower, walking through the streets of Paris, holding hands and enduring the cold together. I'm happy that we get to do it now, the dream that I started with her 10 years ago is what we are fulfilling right now.

I heard the sliding door of the veranda creaking, and I turned around just to see my life. I smiled at her as she approaches me, reaching me with a tight hug.

"Why are you here love? Isn't it too cold?" She asked as she put a blanket around me.

"Well, it isn't now 'cause you're here." I answered and hugged her once again, I pulled her to sit towards the chair at the center of the veranda. I held her hand and rest my head on her shoulders.

"Love, don't you regret it?" She asked looking down at me.

"Regret what?" I asked as I put my chin on her shoulders and looked at her eyes.

"Choosing me over everything." She said as she interwined our fingers. She put her forehead on mine and closed her eyes.

"Of course not baby. Ever since I threw away everything just for you, everyday had been the best days of my life. Rather than regretting, I'm really glad that you chased after me that day." I said as I put my other hand on her face rubbing her cheeks with my thumb.

"If I wouldn't, I could've lost you once again. And I don't want to regret another 10 years of my life because I just let you walked away that day." She said and then pulled me closer to her, she kissed me in the sweetest way she could. Every rhythm of her lips is sending shivers through my spine. I can taste the longing and the love from her kiss, it felt like forever and I don't wanna let go. She pulled herself away and gave me a few pecks before smiling at me and saying words that are too much for me to handle.

"I will hold on to you for the longest that I can. And that longest is forever, I promise. This hand..." She paused and lifted our hands that is still intertwined with each other. "I will never let go of this hand despite all of the odds." She then kissed my hand and gave me a tight hug. "I love you, Im Nayeon." She said and I hugged her back. Choosing her was the best decision I've made in my life. Choosing her is something I did that I could say I am proud of. I would never regret losing everything just to have her, a happiness that is too expensive but now, I have it. I let go of the hug and looked at her sparkling eyes, before saying...

"I love you too, Yoo Jeongyeon."

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