Chapter 12: First Spell

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Claudia's POV

3rd Day of Claudia's Resurrection

Maverik went out to get the ingredients he needed for a spell he was planning on casting. He wanted to take me along but I told him that it was fine and that I wanted to be alone, he didn't argue with me. Cliō cooked me breakfast before she went out to finish the paperwork that needed to be filed for a house she bought out of the country, she left before I could ask about the details. Noela was on the couch still sleeping off the hangover. I didn't mind though. Tons of peace and quiet, no better way to spend the day. I finished all of the Harry Potter movies and felt miserable after watching Cedric Diggery die. Never gets easier no matter how many times I watch. Out of boredom, I decided to take a look around the cabin.

Besides the sound of my footsteps on the stairs, it was quiet. To the right direction was a room with a slightly opened door. I walk closer to it and take a peek inside. A study, with a huge window behind the desk, creates a beautiful view. Bookshelves were on the left side of the wall, and on the other, was a humongous snake tank. The shelves contained many things besides books, a small container with a living rat, a witches pot, and jars of strange ingredients you would never expect to find in your typical kitchen.
The snake in the cage reminded me of Draco. A garter snake I bought for myself as a graduation present. Mrs. Dorion was disgusted by him, which only made me happier to have him. That crazy woman thought I was into devil-worshiping for my style and absolute refusal to attend church. She came by the house in her dressy "church git up" one Sunday morning, unfortunately for me, I was the one who ended up answering the door. Boy oh boy she was as irritating as ever. She first politely asked me to get rid of the "filthy animal" before it escaped from its cage and murdered someone. Draco was barely longer than my arm and non-venomous, he wasn't a danger to anyone. I told her I had every right to have him since I bought him with my own money. She went on to "insist" that I get rid of him and commented how if I just went to church more often I wouldn't have turned out the way I did. Without providing a response I slammed the door in her face. Mrs. Dorion loved to start drama, I swear I found it hard to believe that she was a real person. The kind of person that judges people on how they should dress, and how relationships should be only between a man and a woman.

One day I came home from buying food for Draco, and the back door was forced open, I immediately thought of the worst. I ran up to my room, Draco was gone. I marched straight to that hateful bitches' house and pounded on her door. She answered with a cup of hot tea in her hand, her hair in rollers. I still remember that judgmental look she had on her face, the same one she always gave me every chance she had.

"What did you do to him?"

"Why Claudia, I have no idea what you are talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me you evil bitch. What did you do my snake?"

"Why I never- Young lady, you better get off my property this instant before I call the police and press charges. Maybe even give my husband a call and file charges for harassment."

"Go ahead, maybe I'll let him in on your little secret. Opening your legs for another man that is NOT your husband. You're a hell of a hypocrite you know that? You think you can just walk all over everyone and talk shit to them about following the way of God!"

What happened next was something that still makes me feel enraged to this day. Mrs. Dorion stepped out of her door and slapped me on the face so hard my lip bled.

"Go ahead, hit me. I'll surely put your devil worshipping self behind bars, and I'll see to it that you never see the light of day again."

I let out a deep sigh remembering that awful day. Now that I think about it I've had more bad days than good ones. I never told anyone, not grams, not Lexi, no one. There were no witnesses, and with her husband being a powerful lawyer, I kept it to myself. Maybe because my pride was wounded and I just didn't want to seem weak. I shake the memory out of my mind and return my attention to the snake tank. From what I can tell, it was a full-grown male green python, females of this breed grow larger than the males. I close the door behind me, careful to not make any noise. I take a closer look at the snake, it showed no sign of movement, probably sleeping.


That sound did not come from this snake. I heard it from behind me, I hear it again, louder and more persistent. I follow the sound, searching everywhere in the study. On the bookshelves, on the floor, under the desk. The sound was coming from the center of the desk. There was a leather green book on the cover where two snakes intertwined inside a unity symbol. I place my hand on it in admiration. The book suddenly opens, and pages flip relentlessly, in a mere second, it stops. The words inside were in Latin, I didn't understand it. The words started to shift in the English language, it read "To retrieve the power of the Ophidian Coven." An incantation to retrieve power from the coven, Maverik's coven. They must've created a backup plan for members who forfeited their magic. Is that what the book wants? To put the magic back in me?


The snake inside the book hissed again. Following the instructions I pick up the letter opener next to the book, it was in the shiniest shade of gold. I put the sharp edge of the blade against my palm, unafraid of the self-inflicted wound I was about to give myself. In one swift move, I cut my hand and let the blood fall. The snake's closed mouth opens, taking in my blood, its eyes glowed.

"I invoke the ancestors of the Ophidian Coven to return the power
Let it fully restore from within me
Magic of my ancestors make it mine once more
Ancestors I beseech you
Restore my power"

As I repeat the chant the snake slithers out of the page and bites my wrist. "Ah!" It returns to the page as it was. Thunderstorm sounds surround the room, the temperature turned cold. I can't stand the cold, it's never been kind to my skin. Green fire formed around me it felt warm. A tattoo of a snake appears on my arm. The storm and the fire disappear... First I was a human who lived a normal day-to-day life. Then I was an angry ghost who haunted vampires. Now I am a revived witch and an official member of the Ophidian coven. What else does my borrowed time have in store for me?
"Ok," I heavily breathe out. "What to try out next?" I flip the pages of the book debating on which spell to cast next. "Claudia," Noela calls out. She going to be in for a big surprise.

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