Chapter 6: Clio

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The woman who walks through the large doors was not Heidi. The woman I see would make Heidi seem like a sight for sore eyes. Her beauty could only be compared to an angel. Her hair was a professionally colored blue, her eyes were a strange shade of amber, and her legs were absolute perfection. The romper she wore complimented every inch of her. Although, around her neck was a bizarre necklace, it was in the form of a snake. Everyone in the room had their eyes on her, all surprised. I hear them whispering amongst themselves.

"She's returned"

"Cliō, it's really her"

"Her eyes-"

The guards were careful not to be too close to her. Even when the secretaries came in, they always kept a close eye on them, but not with this woman. "Welcome home" the boy standing next to his twin says. Much like with Marcus I never pay him much attention. I noticed that he was treated with the same respect as the kings, he was so adorable though, I don't get why anyone would find him intimidating. The woman turns to face the boy, "This is not my home Alec." She responds to him. His eyes move to the ground in embarrassment, his sister puts a hand on his shoulder, and gives the woman an angry glare.  "Jane." She greets to the dirty blonde haired girl. She seems so sweet and innocent, but I can tell she was anything but that. She had the same sadistic personality as Caius. "Now now Clio there is no need to be rude. Alec is only showing you respect. We've all been so worried." Aro says with glee. He's always so expressive with his words  "Where have you been." It was not question Caius was asking, he was demanding an answer. Clio, was more than happy to give it to him. She walks to the center of the room standing in front of the grate with her head held high. "I've already told you before. I am under no obligation to tell you where I go. I come and go as I please." She sure knows how to take charge, she talks to these people as though she were their master. Caius was about to say something until Aro raises his hand, silencing him, he's not fazed by her attitude. I have to admit, he's doing an excellent job at keeping his cool. No king would just sit down and take this kind of disrespect. "Now. Why am I here?" She crosses her arms as she waits for an answer. Aro is the one who provides it. "Clio . We only wish to ask you once more to stay in the castle, for your own safety, and for your mother's sake." Clio arches her eyebrow. "I'm afraid that will not be happening anytime soon Aro. You don't have to worry about me. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

Caius gets up from his chair. "You listen here you irritable bratchet, the only reason why I bother giving you a second thought is so your mother can finally stop hounding me about you every moment she is in this castle. You will march up to your room, and stay there for as long as need be-"

"Or what? You'll lock me away, have your "pet" (she gestures to Jane) torture me, lock me away and leave me to starve? Which will it be this time Caius?" They give each other dagger eyes, their postures showing that they're ready for a fight. The guards cautiously move closer. Aro stands up from his chair and plays referee. "Both of you please. Let us handle this in a civilized manner, if Athenodera hears you two fighting again it will distress her." Caius calms down and sits back down. "Clio, we are only concerned for your well being. Won't you consider staying with the us, for your mother's sake?" Aro asks patiently.  "I appreciate the concern Aro, but I will not oblige. This is my life, and I will live it as I see fit." The room goes silent, the blond-haired girl,Jane, keeps her angry glare at her. But then, she smiles, just as wickedly asCaius did when Mia was being killed. A sudden scream comes out of the woman,she is on her knees clutching on herself. She was agonizing pain but no one was touching her. "What the hell is going on?" This girl, she may seem innocent and sweet, and physically very small, no older than 11 or 12 years of age, though everytime when she walked the halls the guards would stand still and bow their heads in respect, but also in fear. I never did figure out why everyone, even the tall vampire, Felix, feared her so much. Until now. Her eyes don't stray away from Clio, they stay right on her. This little girl, can hurt people, byonly staring at them?! "How is that even possible?"

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