book 2 ; chapter 41

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The one question I was trying to avoid. "Yeah uh, we're done. We're gonna keep our distance for a while so we don't fall back in." 

"Don't you think that's not a good idea? Keeping your distance?" 

"Why wouldn't it be?"

 "We're talking about you and Monty lets be for real. Don't you think the more you two stay apart the more you guys are gonna want each other. We all know damn well you both have urges and it'll end up... yea."

 "So what are you saying that I should do?"

 "You guys don't have to be dating to be around each other... take out the relationship and you two are still close friends."

 "What if he wants someone else?"

 "Then let him. Keep your true emotions inside, unless he asks of course, but just be happy if he does." I thought about it for a good 45 seconds and now it was my turn to take out my phone. 

'Hey.... I realized I wasn't being realistic when we were talking earlier. I'm hoping you'd like to talk at lunch and I can tell you what I'm really feeling.' I hit send.

 Justin and I passed the blunt once more before both our phones went off, one after the other. "She said yes!!" Justin yells out falling back in his seat in relief. I check mine and smile when I see him name. 

'Of course, I'll always have time for you.'

 "I think we should get back to school." Justin said eagerly, we both smiled. Justin and I go our separate ways, him finding Jess and me finding Monty. I head into the cafeteria and see him with Zach, Jeremiah and 2 other jocks I really don't talk to. Monty turned my way and smiled, I set my bag down at the table and we go off and sit at an empty one so we could talk privately. 

"What I said earlier was unrealistic. It is my fault for our fall out, but I can't change what I did. Montgomery de la Cruz I love you and for me telling you that we should keep our distance was unfair. I don't want us to act like normal couples when they break up and they hate each other. You know more about me than anyone, you're my best friend... and I want to keep it like that. Us just being the best friends we once were. No friends with benefits or anything like that and that might change but we'll see, but I just want us to be good. No tension, grudges, hate, just us and our friendship." I say and a teeny smile grew to his face. 

"I can't not have you in my life. You'll always be the #1 person in it."


 "It's true, I want you in my life no matter what. I didn't know what to do when you told me that earlier, Jesus I cried if I were to be honest."

 "I just think the hardest part is gonna be us not being able to control our urges."

 "Yeah... but I mean we can act on them sometimes." He gives me a side eye. 

"Ha-ha.... we'll see" 

"But what if we start catching feelings for someone else or whatever." 

"Then we'll be happy for each other, we're friends first."

 "One rule though.... its okay for me to date just not you." He says with a smirk.

 "Stop.." I say nudging him. "How about we run it by each other?" 

"Yeah! All friends do that, they need each others opinion." 

"Exactly!! So we're good?"

 "We're perfect." He says and he wraps his arms around me giving me a solid tight hug. "Should we kiss to throw everyone off." He says jokingly but serious. I pull away pushing him back. "What? Friends do that."

 "Yeah, then we probably should." He laughs grabbing me by my neck kissing my forehead. 

Before walking back to the table I notice Billy already sitting there not taking his eyes off of Monty and I, and I just had to tell him. "Monty there's one more thing I need to tell you."

 "What is it?"

 "The new kid, Billy he's-"

 "trying to get at you." He says finishing what I'm about to say. "Yeah, I know. Everyone's been telling me, I'm just trying to keep my cool about it."

 "Please don't start anything"

 "I can't promise you anything, you know how I get." 

"Yeah that's why I'm surprised you haven't done anything yet."

 "I won't do anything, but if he says one teeny little thing about you in front of me I will kill him." 


"I'm serious, he's staring at you now, should I put him in his place now?" 

"Stop now you're just being extra." He gives a little giggle and just looks into my eyes, I look right back. "what?"

 "nothing. I'm just glad we cleared things up." He says grabbing my hand .

 "Me too." I say swinging out arms from side to side. 

"come on, lets get back to our friends and that other kid." 

"Be nice, don't start shit."

 "We'll see." We make our way back to our table and everyone was there, it was great. Even Jess and Justin were there sitting across from each other, Alex next to Jess, Zach next to Alex, Scotty across from Zach, then of course Bryce and Billy is next to him. I take the seat next to Scotty while Monty sits next to Bryce, tension. But everything was good, everything was back to normal. Jess spotted Stella and invited her over even though Billy wasn't too happy about it. "Yeah! Come here Stel!" I say making room for her in between Monty and I, but little did I know that was a huge mistake.

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