Book 2 ; Chapter 12 - You Good?

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I woke up in the morning at around 9 am in the next morning, Alice walking in "today is the big day!" she says pulling open the blinds in my room. "Now lets get you up, one step closer." Alice walks out, me following behind her. 

We go into the bloodwork room, the nurse Sandy takes about 6 samples of blood and puts them in bag with a label that has my name on it. I talk to Dr. Francisco before heading. "You ready for today? Do you think it's time or do you need longer?"

 "I can't keep on hiding and prolonging this situation. I need to get better for myself and by myself."

 "I have 3 prescriptions for you. Celexa for your depression and anxiety, Xanax for your panic attacks, and Zyprexa for your mood swings. Best be taken on not an empty stomach." I give him a look. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be lying on your food log."

 "I gained weight didn't I?"

 "You gained about"

 "Ehhhh-shhh I don't want to hear it, the less I know the better."

 "I'll be calling in every week and for now we have scheduled appointments every other week, then when time goes on it will slower, then none at all." 

"Thanks Doc, thanks for helping me."

 "Your welcome, it's okay to have help once in a while. Don't forget that." We both get up and he wraps his arms around me and we say our goodbyes. I go back to my room where I get distracted and talk to Alice for a good amount of time, before getting in the shower to go and head home. 

My shower took a good while from daydreaming and thinking about everything. Monty, Adrian, Jessica, my mom, me. I'm scared to go back, what if it's too soon? What if everyone treats me different, like I'm some freak. Monty would never let that happen. I get out of the shower to put on some gray tights with a white crewneck and my outdoor slippers. Getting ready to leave really hits me hard, saying goodbye to everyone who was there for me in such a hard time, I know it was their job, it just felt like a whole lot more.   

Alice and my mother walk me out to the car, Alice gives me a big ole' hug "please come to visit, I'm going to miss seeing your bright smile everyday." 

"Of course I'll visit, thank you for helping through everything"

 "Do well sweetheart, keep your head up." 

The drive home felt like forever, it seems like I haven't seen the outside world in forever. Everything looks different, older, dirtier, just a lot different than inside a clean hospital. My mother pulls up to the house, so many emotions and thoughts run through my head, the last time being here.... Gaby put it down.....Baby please......You didn't care enough..... These flashback voices and images in my head make me cringe in disgust, making my breaths heavy. I walk into my house slowly only to be surprised by familiar faces. Seeing everyone makes me jump a bit but their faces make up for that.

 "Hey Gabs." Zach says wrapping his arms around me. Looking past  his shoulder I see Scotty, Jessica, Alex, Sheri, Tony, Monty and Adrian. I walk up towards Monty as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. 

"I've missed you."

 "I missed you too." I say looking up at him. 

Looking towards Adrian he smiles looking down, I move away from Monty and go hug Adrian. "Settled in at your place okay?"

 "Yeah, everything is good. I'm  glad I get to see you."

 "Me too."  

We all gather up in the living room where everyone takes a seat to eat the food my mom prepared for us, but I barely ate anything. Everyone seems to like Adrian, except Monty, but he's on his best behavior which I'm glad. Adrian actually seems like he's part of the group, talking about sports with the boys, discussing romance novels with the girls, it doesn't seem off that he's here. 

"Gabrielle, eat." My mother says stepping into the room checking on me and my plate, everyone goes silent. 

"I'm eating mom." I tell her sticking my fork in the broccoli and putting it in my mouth. 

"No veggies, meat." 

"I got it mom." I tell her hoping she will leave and after a brief second she did. We all sat in silent, everyone looking at me waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't I was just so annoyed. I was having such a good time and now it comes back to food. 

"Lets play a game!" Jessica yells standing up, going to the closet where my mom and I keep our board games and other trinkets. I stand up and set my plate out on the table in front of me, "I'll be right back, I have to go.... take ...... a supplement." 

"You good?" Scotty asks. "Need help with your bags?" 

"I'm good, thank you Scotty." He smiles and nods his head. I go upstairs dreading to go into the bathroom, but I do anyway. The flashbacks came pouring in and I started getting flustered, pacing and freaking out. A light hand fell on my shoulder and it was Adrian, he gives me a hug. "I knew you weren't good. You don't need to be in here, let's go." He says walking me towards my room, just the way I left it. 

Anger, sadness, guilt and fear rush into my head leaving me speechless not being able to answer him, my anxiety expanded and I just lost control. I take a step towards my pictures on the window seal and I throw them off, making Adrian back up. Grabbing my mirror against the wall and throwing it onto the ground making it shatter into millions of pieces. "Gaby stop!" I couldn't even remember what I was saying to him, my eyes started filling up with water and I began to feel all shaky. 

I headed over to my dresser and began to push it but he stopped me just in time. Adrian comes behind me, holding me, and lowered me to the ground. Everyone rushes upstairs to see what I've done and they're all in shock. The only thing I could about was me, crying, not wanting to be here, and being in Adrian's arms.

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