Chapter Twenty Four

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In the morning Brent and Jade awoke to Brent's alarm on his phone. After they took a shower together it wasn't long until Brent said his goodbyes and left to go home so he could work on his things for the next tour and to finish the wrap up on the previous one.

Jade did her best to keep busy during the day by cleaning up around the house and doing some laundry before she sat on the couch and worked on her book for a few hours. She took Nova for her afternoon walk and fixed dinner for herself when she returned, deciding to fix grilled cheese to be simple.

It was when it got dark and she lay in bed that things became difficult. She stared at the empty space beside her and sighed before grabbing and cuddling the pillow that Brent had used the night before. His scent of cinnamon calmed her, helping relieve the tension she felt in her body as it finally relaxed. When she looked up at her clock, she couldn't help but smirk at herself at what it read. 4:03am... Ironic, she thought.

Deciding to bite the bullet, Jade reached for her phone and quickly typed out a message to him and sent it before the time could change.

Hey baby, I know you're most likely asleep, but just wanted to say goodnight and that I'm thinking of you. (Yes, it's 4:03... no I cannot sleep)

Funny... I can't sleep either... I was tossing and turning until I got your text.

Jade smiled when he had replied as she huddled deeper under her blanket and replied back to him.

I've been so used to you being around, the bed feels huge without you in it. Nova would rather be in her dog bed than up here with me.

Brent smiled at his phone. You'll be seeing me tomorrow for our epic date. Dress comfortably, we'll be outside.

Outside? What do you have planned?

You'll just have to wait and see now won't you?

Jade chuckled and shook her head as she yawned. I'm starting to feel sleepy...

Then go to bed sweetheart. I'll be there before you know it.

I love you Brent. Sleep well.

I love you too Jaden.

Brent placed his phone back on his nightstand and yawned widely before he rolled over and felt as sleep finally took over his body.


In the morning Brent reached across the bed, only to remember that he had slept alone the night before. He huffed before he sat up and ran a hand through his hair and looked towards his alarm clock to see that it was just past ten in the morning. A work out sounds good, then perhaps some breakfast, he thought as he stood.

He made his way to his gym and went through a short routine, just long enough to get a decent sweat, before he trudged back down the hall to his room so he could take a shower. When he fully stripped he could faintly smell vanilla, making him remember the massage the day before. "I cannot wait to have her in my arms again," he said aloud, climbing into the shower, relishing in the hot water on his skin.


Jade smiled to herself as she jogged along her neighborhood sidewalk, Nova trotting along at her side. She had laid out the clothes that she wanted to wear for the date and she felt pretty confident that it would throw Brent for a loop once he saw her all dressed up.

She had just turned the final corner of her two block run, when she noticed a grey car sitting in her driveway next to her truck. Is he here? She thought, checking her watch to see it was just after one in the afternoon.

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