Chapter One

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AN: I know this chapter is short, and a couple of the others may be as well, but they will get longer as they go along. I hope you guys like this one!

Jade stood inside the same arena to three long years later, his necklace resting around her neck, playing with it as she stood in the front row. Her body rested against the barricade, as she waited for the opening band to finish their set so she could see them play. She knew he'd cut his hair and had recently got back into shape after dealing with a lot of things, but she still loved him the same, and could never forget the taste of him on her lips.

As the opening band finished, Jade watched as crewmen walked out onto the stage and began to set up the giant black curtain that would be dropped on the first song that Shinedown would play. It made her smile when she noticed the giant 'S' symbol on its front. She loved the effort that Brent and the guys put into making it the best possible concert for the fans.


"Bruh, ten minutes!" Zach called out as he patted on the wall beside the door frame.

Brent shot the youngest member a thumbs-up before turning back to the mirror. He dipped his right hand into the hair putty and slathered his hands together before working his fingers in his hair, making sure each strand was covered with putty before combing the hair over to his right with a nearby comb. His hand then flattened the ends down a bit. He smiled at the woodsy aroma that reminded him of home, circling him as he rubbed shaving cream onto his rough cheeks, and chin.

"Ten minutes six minutes ago!" Zach called again as he tapped his naked wrist, paper in hand.

"Dude, I gotta fuckin' shave!" Brent complained as he turned to Zach, face still covered in shaving cream, untouched by a razor.

Zach blew a huff of air out from his mouth as he looked up to the ceiling. "If it's not the bathroom, it's still getting ready. Hurry, dude."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, okay? Had a late lunch." Brent replied as he turned and faced the mirror again and slowly started to shave up his neck, stopping at his chin. "Is that the set list?" He asked.

"Yeah," Zach said as he walked up to stand beside Brent and held it out in front of him for him to read. "Look okay?"

Sound of Madness



Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide

Through The Ghost

Diamond Eyes


Burning Bright


The Crow & The Butterfly

I'll Follow You

Save Me


I'm Not Alright


Simple Man

Fly From the Inside

Second Chance

"You changed out Bully for Diamond Eyes?" Brent questioned as he moved the razor to the side of his face.

Zach nodded, nervously, biting his bottom lip. "Yeah, we played it all tour long on the last leg."

"From all the shit that's been going on with schools and cyberbullying, I just assumed you'd keep it."

"Hey, I can easily add it."

Brent shook his head and patted Zach on the back with his free hand. "Nah, man, you're good."

"I'll add it throughout the tour, though."

"I was just giving you a hard time." Brent said with a chuckle while he finished up shaving. "It's all good."

"Let's go, guys!" Eric shouted from the hall as he passed Brent's dressing room. Barry not long after.

Zach turned and followed Eric and Barry, leaving Brent to quickly wipe his face clean, apply a facial balm and toss his stage jacket over his bare chest. The heavy leather weighed his shoulders down, but by the time the first few or so songs would be done, he knew he wouldn't be feeling the weight anymore.

"Dooooooo!" Is being shouted out as Brent stepped in the meeting room. He doesn't partake in fear of ruining his vocal cords for the night's show, having already warmed up his voice. Instead he just leaned against the wall, chuckling to himself as the other grown men shout. 


"Circle up!" Barry shouted out and clapped his hands together. The band and crew formed a circle in the middle of the large room, Eric's left arm over Brent's right shoulder, Brent's left over Zach, and so on. "To the left, guys." Barry directed, hip bumping Eric first.

Brent cleared his throat as they moved to the right. "We will not fall because we have each other. We will not fall because we are brothers. We will not fall because we have love. We will not fall. . . 'cause we will rise above."

Hands quickly stacked on top of each other in the middle of the circle. "On three," Brent rumbled.

"One, two, three, Shinedown!" They all shout, hands raised high before the circle separated. Barry grabbed his sticks. Eric turned and grabbed a bass. Zach headed for his guitar.

Brent took a sip of water as he watched everyone grab their gear before he turned and led the guys down the long hallway to center stage. He smiled to himself as he took a couple of deep breaths before he climbed the stage stairs two at a time. The band moved all around him and took their respective places while he looked out to see the large curtain in front of them, his thoughts on only one thing . . .

It's Showtime

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