Chapter Six

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Brent powered through the rest of the day, the sound check went well, but Jade was constantly on the back of his mind. He could tell that the guys were noticing that something was off with him and he quickly told everyone that he was fine and that it was nothing to worry about.

After dinner, Brent sat in a lawn chair outside the bus. John had taken his broken phone and told him that he would get him a replacement but he wouldn't get it until the next day before the show. He looked up to see Eric walking out of the bus and nodded towards him, happy to have some company, as he watched Eric unfold another chair and sit beside him.

"Can't get her out of your mind can you?" Eric asked.

Brent shook his head, "I told her that I would text her this morning, she probably thinks that I really don't care about what happened last night."

Eric nodded and clasped his hands together in his lap, "Well, you get your new phone in the morning and you know John will have the contacts transferred over. You can text her then, better yet, you can call her and tell her what happened."

Brent shrugged, "What if she won't answer my call? I didn't give her my number last night in return for hers."

"How stupid can you be?" Eric asked.

Brent sunk lower in his chair grumpily, "I know, I know, I should have given her my number. I was just so focused on her that it slipped my mind. I'm glad that I at least have hers."

Eric nodded and stood from his chair to stretch before he checked his watch, "It's going on eight bud, we have a long day tomorrow so I would advise you to get some shut eye."

Brent yawned and stood himself before he gathered the chairs and leaned them against the bus. "Let's get to bed then," he replied, "Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day."


Jade awoke on Sunday morning still feeling sorrowful and just a bit ticked off. She sighed as she pulled the blankets off her body and got out of bed, waking up Nova from a peaceful sleep.

Her mind had been on only one person for the past day, Brent. "I still cannot believe that he didn't text or call me like he said he was going to," she grumbled aloud. She turned on her nearby radio then jerked open her closet door so she could choose something to wear after her shower. The sound of the rock station filling her bedroom soothed her nerves a bit while she searched.

After she had picked out her clothes for the day, a Supernatural tee and black jeans, Jade picked up her wireless radio and carried it with her to the bathroom so she'd have music to listen to in the shower.

She stripped herself of her pjs and got the water just right, then stepped in, letting the hot water soothe her stressed muscles and mind... it was then that she heard it.

"No one gets out alive, every day is do or die, The one thing you leave behind, Is how did you love, how did you love?"

At first the song brought an instant smile to her lips, until she remembered that he never tried to reach her again, which made her sigh. It was of no use though, she found herself singing along to the song as it played.

"Listen up rockers!" the radio host called out after the song finished, "If you didn't get to see Shinedown on Friday night this is your second chance! The band booked another show in the next town over last minute and they are playing tonight! Tickets have been posted since yesterday and they are selling them at a discounted price. So if you want to see Shinedown play, be sure to visit our website and click the link to buy your tickets!"

Jade stood there under the spray of the water, floored. "Hey never mentioned they were playing another show out here," she murmured aloud to herself, "That ass! If he won't message me, I'm going to find my way to him... again."

Kiss and Tell (A Shinedown Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon