Chapter Thirty Three

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Jade sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. It was three in the morning, yet she couldn't get to sleep. Her baby girl had finally settled down in her stomach, but no matter how much she tried, sleep evaded Jade, making her want to groan with frustration.

She looked beside her at Brent, who was fast asleep, facing away from her. Since she was eight months and two weeks along now, the band had ended the tour in light of her pending due date and birth.

With a grumble, Jade rolled herself to a sitting position and sat for a few seconds before she stood and slowly made her way to the bathroom, making Brent turn in bed and open his eyes blearily to watch her go. He sat up and rubbed his face, then looked at the clock. I wish I could help her.

Brent stood from bed and stretched his arms above his head before he walked over to the closed bathroom door and leaned against the wall. "Jay? Honey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," she answered tiredly. "I just can't seem to get to sleep."

"You're not feeling any pain, are you?" Brent asked.

Jade opened the bathroom door and gave Brent a tired smile. "No, I'm not feeling any pain. I just can't sleep." She closed the bathroom door behind her and headed back to bed.

Brent smiled at Jade and wrapped an arm around her waist once they laid back in bed, pulling her close to him. "We'll try something else. What about some tv for background noise? We haven't done that in a while."

Jade nodded, leaning into him and smiling as she relaxed in his hold. "That sounds good." She nuzzled her head into his neck, closing her eyes.

He kissed her forehead as he held her close. "Get some rest, Jay. I love you."

She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Love you too." Brent placed one last kiss on her forehead before he turned off the light and cuddled closer to Jade.

Later that morning, a dull ache in Jade's lower stomach woke her. She carefully rolled over and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to get herself to fall back asleep, only for the ache to come back. Jade sighed and looked at the clock as the pain faded and waited for six minutes until it returned again. Am I in labor?

"Jade?" Brent rolled over, feeling her become restless again. "Are you okay?"

Jade slowly sat up in bed as she felt her stomach tense up again. "I'm alright... but I'm having a cramping feeling."

"Cramping?" Brent was around the bed in a flash and crouched at Jade's feet. "What kind of cramping?"

"They're not strong," she assured. "But they're not stopping either."

"Do you think you're going into labor?" Brent asked. "Isn't it a bit early?"

Jade nodded as her stomach tightened again. "It's early, but it's not uncommon."

Brent let out a shaky breath as he gently rubbed Jade's stomach, feeling her relax at his touch. "Do you think the baby is okay?"

"She's moving around, so she's fine honey. That much I can tell you for fact," Jade replied.

"Okay... I guess we should start timing these then huh?" he smiled.

Jade chuckled and nodded. "I guess we should."


Two and a half hours later, Jade took deep breaths as she sat on the edge of the bed and watched Brent finish packing their hospital bag. "You sure the doctor said to come in?" he asked.

"Yes," Jade answered. "I'm having all of the signs of labor including a bloody show."

"The hospital is about thirty minutes out, but I should be able to get us there sooner. It's not even eight in the morning yet," Brent replied as he zipped up the duffle bag and hoisted it over his shoulder. "Are you ready to go have a baby?" he smiled.

Kiss and Tell (A Shinedown Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora