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Izuku knocked on Hitoshi's door in the middle of the night. He heard shuffling inside and his purple friend sleepily opened the door "what do you want at this hour?"

He must've woke him up because his voice sounded rough and pretty annoyed. "I need your help, Toshi."

Hitoshi sighed and opened more the door to let him inside "I don't need to kill someone or stuff like that right?" he said as he fixed his bed sheets to sit on the bed.

"Nobody needs to die right now, I just need you to really distract Aizawa and maybe disable his phone for a while? Just that."

"Just that? You say it like it's nothing. Luckly for you tomorrow night dad should stay at home, and he tends to sleep when he has a day off. But how am I supposed to disable his phone?"

"I don't know! Smash it, throw it or put it on silent mode. Just make sure that he doesn't receive any call from Tsukauchi tomorrow. The last thing we need tomorrow is Eraserhead interfering." He could see Hitoshi didn't know what to say, he just stared in silence.

The other boy cleared his throat "You want me to block a detective because you don't want dad interfering in what?"

"I need to destroy my blood samples and delete them from the system." Hitoshi's eyes widened.

"Woah... okay, I'll do it." he answered excitedly, maybe underestimating the situation "You know you'll have to hack some tough stuff to do that right?" He nodded and smiled, searching in his pocket for his golden pass.

"Don't worry, I have this" he showed him a small usb key "it will temporarily disable all passwords and mess with most of the files, I'll just have mess with my file some more."

He put the key back in his pocket and looked at his friend "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Will you kill me if I fail?" after hearing that phrase Ryker pushed for co-control and Izuku let him have his hands. He stood up and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from Hitoshi's desk. He let his angry beast let do his thing and gave Hitoshi the note.

'If Izuku doesn't kill you I will'

"That is not really reassuring... but why won't that little bitch say it to my face?" Hitoshi smirked maliciously.

"I don't think it's a good idea..." let me bea- talk to him! I'm going to end his life with my fucking sweet words. "This is a terrible idea, but... why not"

As usual he started getting dizzy and his head felt full of cotton. He relaxed and took a deep breath as Ryker took complete control of the body.


Hitoshi was watching his friend look really sleepy and confused, then there was this sudden change in his expression and posture.

He stood more straight and looked a lot more confident than before, his soft and almost sad expression was wiped off his face and replaced with an angry grin and darkened eyes. Fuck I guess?

"Are you ready to get beaten up with my sweet words, you purple cabbage?"

Apparently the guy was somehow blocked and in the end he just got tackled again, he hoped it wouldn't become a routine.

He didn't know who he was looking at right now, after all he wasn't introduced to all of them, but from the resting bitch face he guessed it was the one he met first.

It was like a staring contest, and he was beginning to feel really nervous under their gaze.

"I believe I never got your name" Hitoshi said to break the ice.

"Daeril. Don't bother and try to start a conversation, I'm just letting Ryker calm down." The alter seemed to look down on him... even with the height difference.

"I have to say, I do like you, and since I'm here I could answer some of your questions, I'm sure you have some. Izuku isn't the best at explaining our thing"

This was going to be hard, he had a lot of questions, but he was sure he didn't have time to ask all of them. Izuku tried to explain the first time but it didn't help very much. He couldn't waste this chance.

"Alright... how many of you guys are in there?" He asked tapping on his temple.

"Currently there are five of us, including Izuku. Me, Ryker, Kitsu and Mikumo, and Izuku of course, but he's the host."

Currently? There can be more in the future? "Is there any chance that this is Izuku's quirk? Do any of you have quirks? Or like... you're pretty sure this is a personality disorder?" He knew that Izuku was abused, he just hoped it wasn't that bad...

"This is not a quirk, and I'm not sure if any of us can actually develop one. If we could then we'd be really late bloomers"

"Okay... wait- now I really have to ask, how old are you? And why do you do this super illegal stuff?" A sigh was heard and he wondered if he shouldn't have said that.

"I am 28. Ryker is 17 and Kitsu is 19, Mikumo is 5. Our reasons are none of your business."

Okay wow, a five years old child in a 14 years old body, he didn't really expect that. He didn't expect Daeril to be 28 either, only 3 years apart from dad.

"I'm answering some of your questions because of our mistake from the other day and because you're helping us, but tell anyone about this and you're dead."

Should I feel happy or threatened?

"This is it for now, you kinda wasted this with stupid questions, but I guess it's alright." Now he felt really stupid.

"You have a job to do, it's a simple one so do it nicely." A hand reached to pat his head gently, then the cold but sweet look - is that even possible? - slowly left Izuku's face.

After a while the green haired boy got up and reached the door "I'll tell you when I'm going out tomorrow. And um- I-I trust you... goodnight."

When his brother left his room he went back to bed, staring at the ceiling unable to sleep "ah shit... Why do they make it sound so easy? I'm beginning to regret this..."


Alright what!!!! 10K reads!!! thank you so much- and (like always) I thank you with my shitty writing! Im really sorry for this super late update :')

I really didn't know what to put in this chapter I'm sorry ;-; this sucks

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