"Ok, so, Sean is going to pick us up tomorrow at 11 so we can go check out that new DnD group for kinksters!" She hopped on the bed next to me and clapped her hands. I turn my head to look at her. She had a huge smile on her face. My eyes went wide as I realized what she was saying. I've wanted to check out this group ever since I saw the post on our online social media group.

"Oh my GOD! no way! I was wondering when that was going to get started!" We both grabbed each others hands and jumped up and down on my bed. Brittany, looking like a Barbie doll with her milky skin, long blond hair, pink shorts and pink and white pull over. Me on the other hand, tattoos covering small sections of my caramel skin. My short curly hair buzzing around my head with streaks of purple. My prized anime shirt and my black booty shorts. We really didn't look anything alike, but we were like sisters.

Brittany hopped off my bed and ran to my closet. "We gotta find you something cute to wear."

She was already rummaging through my closet pulling out a couple different things and throwing them on my bed.

I sighed as fell back on my fluffy purple and black pillows. "Brit, I highly doubt I'm going to meet the love of my life at this place. I told you, I'm taking a break from the search for a bit. Either everyone I meet online is far away, or they are complete idiots who don't know what they're doing..."

She held up her hand to stop me, "Summer, you are a serious catch, but you're a little intimating, you know? Plus you never come to events with Sean and I anymore. You have know idea how many naughty single men come to these things." I rolled my eyes. Intimating?

"Brit, I am not intimating.." I giggled to myself.

"Summer, you own two businesses, you've got plenty of play time experience, you're confident, you're an absolute sweetheart to everyone. I mean you have a literal heart of gold..." I chuckled at the comment. "...you're so damn smart, you read through books like they're gummy worms dipped in chocolate... mmmm." I threw a pillow at her.

"So gross brit! Also, my brother AND I, own two businesses. And you know he does most of the work..." I dramatically flip my non existent long hair, "... I'm just the creative genius." She laughed but continued on.

"Summer, you are a serious catch. If we weren't such besties I'd probably get jealous anytime Sean was around you." She lowered her eyes a bit. You'd never guess this walking barbie doll could be so insecure sometimes. I crawled of the bed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Girl... shut up!" I gave her a squeeze. "Now show me all the outfits you've laid out."

We spent the next hour thinking about what outfit I planned to wear and Brit went on and on about who was going to be at the DnD group tomorrow. The people she knew about at least. After hearing some of her stories about some of the people coming I was actually getting pretty excited. We laid back on the bed, taking selfies of ourselves to send to Sean, per his request. He likes to make sure Brit is safe in bed, even when he can't be there. It was just after midnight by the time we settled down for the night.

"Hey Brit?" I asked as she laid next to me, both of us on our stomachs, looking at each other.

"Yea Summer?" she smiled.

"Thank you for saying all those sweet things earlier. I really appreciate how you and Sean have been so supportive of me this last year. Especially after everything that happened." She wraps her arm around me.

"Of course Summer. Sean and I would never let you get hurt again. Not like that. Brent was an asshole and every single kinkster out here knows it. It's why we don't see him at events anymore. You only deserve the best Summer."

Broc & SummerWhere stories live. Discover now