Chapter 108: This Is How You Make Dragons

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Just before Merlin was about to release the spell, Will looked at his left hand which was now on his sword and somewhat frowned. After a snort, he removed his hand from his sword and crossed his arms in front of his chest. This action angered Merlin even more, as it was synonymous with Will saying 'I don't need to block your attack.'

In a fit of rage, Merlin pointed her had at Will and shouted, "Sea Dragon's Roar!"

The massive dragon above Merlin roared as if it was angered by Will's action as well and charged at him with intense fervor. The charge was so intense that the winds kicked up somewhat blinding everyone temporarily. Everyone except Letty and Duke managed to use their own means to observe what was happening. Duke was at least in a better position. He pressed a few buttons and got a clear view of what had happened, what he saw flabbergasted him.

Merlin was quite aware of Will's current abilities. Sea Dragon's Roar wasn't simple water manipulation magic, it also had a lot of spiritual mana for summoning imbued within it. Hence although this was a dragon made from water, it was somewhat of a living creature in its own right. As soon as Will tries to absorb the dragon, it should be able to damage Will's own life-force with its own. Unfortunately, she had once again met her nemesis in this regard.

Radiant energy was a form of intent in the form of a life-force, capable of creating something living from nothing. As a user of Radiant Energy, Will had a ridiculous amount of life-force within his body. If Will was an ocean, then the dragon's own life energy would be like that of a single drop of water.

Will's reaction was quite simple. He simply raised a hand and created and vortex of water, sucking the dragon in. Merlin smirked at this and snorted. She had sparred with the Supremes many a time. Especially the one who was a Hydromancer, and thus had an understanding or two on how to deal with this tricky ability.

She developed this spell specifically to deal with the Hydromancer Supreme, known as Poseidon. Of course, although Merlin was far from Poseidon's level and skill, Merlin was more than confident in using this spell to deal with Will. But things did not quite go as she had planned.

There was no writhing in agony, no screams, not even a single impact. Her attack merely created some steam, which gathered behind Will.

Once the dragon had been absorbed by Will the vortex shrunk and disappeared in his hand. There was a slight flash of green light within his body, resulting in a burp, but nothing after that.

"Thanks for the drink. I just happened to be thirsty," said Will with a smug grin. Merlin and co were gobsmacked. Her strongest attack spell did nothing except cause the young man to belch. This was a large embarrassment to Merlin. The young Duke who had been silent all this while was no different from a statue. He silently held his camera and recorded all he could. 'I can get so much money for this!'

"You know kid," Will put his hand on his chin and continued, "There is more to magic and skills than just talent and hard work. Mentality plays a key part. Your mind is too stiff and rigid and doesn't suit the path of a water user, my advice is let loose and chill…literally."

Merlin's embarrassment reached the limit. Not only had her attacks achieved virtually nothing, but Will had also used the opportunity to lecture her! And call her a child no less! She was much older than she appeared and was not used to this sort of treatment. Due to her talent and prestige, within the empire, few dared to call her a child in such a brazen manner. Karim tried his best to stifle his laughter while Salty let out a condescending giggle.

While the others were shocked at Will and enjoyed Merlin's misfortune, Alexa and Ibrahim's faces became especially grim. For some reason, they felt as if they were being eyed by powerful demonic beast, which didn't make sense because they all had ways of detecting those creatures.

Nevertheless, goosebumps appeared on the surfaces of their skin, especially Alexa's. After a few moments, she turned her eyes to the mist behind Will and squinted her eyes. Ibrahim caught onto her movements and followed suit.

Before Merlin could respond to the mocking of her teammates, Will, continued, "Besides, if you wanna make dragons, this is how you do it."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, dissipating the water vapor behind him revealing an astonishing sight. 9 long oriental dragons, made in a similar fashion to the one Merlin had summoned, except there was quite a massive difference quality. Whether it was the detail, the life energy or the imposing aura, Merlin's dragon had lost out in every category.

To the weaker ones such as Letty and Duke, the difference in detail was especially striking. Each scale on each dragon was unique and different in its own minute way. The dragons were of slightly different sizes but it was clear that they came from the same mold.

To the stronger ones like Merlin and co, it was their life auras that were particularly striking, they were no different from that of actual living creatures. The very concept of it was ridiculous!

Each dragon seemed alive, as the snake-like creatures moved around each other. Some growled at each other in an attempt to establish supremacy, some were more docile and merely observed the humans in front, while some coiled around Will, in an attempt to gain the favor of their master. It was almost as if Will had created actual dragons, ones that had innate wisdom and independent thought.

'This is just disgusting.'

Alexa was disgusted by the sheer level of skill Will had just revealed. Not only had he blocked Merlin's skill in a nearly effortless manner, but he had also even improved upon it and used it immediately. No chants, no wand…nothing! This was sheer talent. Disgusting talent at that.

After realizing the gravity of the situation, Alexa quickly took action, "Everyone except Ibrahim, attack Will with your strongest none water technique! Now!"

She realized that Will wasn't joking when he challenged everyone. The boy clearly had the power to back up his arrogance. The others were briefly stunned, but they were still experienced fighters. Within a second, they had all charged up their array of skills and decided to face Will on!

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