with you

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You stood a few metres close to Beomgyu but not too close,so it would be better when he runs away you could catch up not loosing your breath again,and the reason that you wanted to see his face is why too.

"Keep going Beomgyu!You have..probably 30 more minutes to spare!"you exclaimed in a tired tone.

"Okay!..Aish,i hate this."Beomgyu exclaims and muttered.

He looked at the sky as the sun still shined so bright at 12.00 p.m. but the cold breeze blew softly.As Beomgyu was a bit lost in the skies,he looked at the front to suddenly see a red and white ball.He wanted to ask you on what to do with it,but at the same time he doesn't wanna bother you who is also busy making circles on the field with a stick.As for him,he scratched his head and kicked the ball causing you to jolt and looked up.

"Hey!Did you just..kicked the football out of here?"you asked looking for the ball.

"Well,it was bothering my way."he said slightly.

"You should've asked me.The ball was for the football jocks!"you face palmed.

"It's fine i'll get it later."he said simply and continued drawing the white lines.

"Wha-Okay,yeah its your responsibility anyways."you said and walked away just to almost got hit by the red ball.

Beomgyu was shook as he ran up to you.

"Hey,you okay?Did it hit you?"he asked concern.

"I-I'm fine."you said stuttering a bit.

"Who did that?"he muttered shaking his head.

"I'm going to do this work quickly so we can get out of here."he said patting your shoulders.

-30 minutes later-

"Yay~i'm finally done!"he exclaims as he stretches out.

"Yeah yeah..we still have school though."you sighed.

"C'mon,it's just for a few more hours though!"he said smiling at you.

"Well,you're a smart kid that gets everything 'A' so i can't relate."you said,just reminding yourself how bad your grades had been.

"It's easy.All you have to do is-"

"Yeah,i know what i was suppose to do but i didn't do it because it's a shitty life for me after all."you said in one breath.

He nodded as you both walked in a silence.

"But,i can give you like a tutor?Or whatever it is called."

"Beomgyu,you're really insisting huh?Well FYI no thanks."you said actually wanting,but no its a pretty bad idea.

"I'll teach you like teaching a small kid an alphabet."he said chuckling.

"Look,you're gonna have stress because of me and my mostly called annoying question 'What?'.So don't even think of me changing my mind."you explained.

"Okay then."he said rubbing his nape.

-4.37 p.m.-

"Yo Y/n!Where were you this morning?"Chan asked you as you sighed.

"Yo.I was doing my 'duty' as a prefect to watch over a student who gets detention."you said remembering about Beomgyu.

"Oh.By the way, Science was actually great today!"he exclaimed a bit.

"Why?Teacher is not in class?"you said snickering.

"No i mean, a serious study but that's not what i really meant.I mean, the chemistry and stuff you know?"

"Oh that,how cool."

You and Chan was going to the same class subject English.

"I gurantee teacher would call you over again since you are good in English."he said as you just chuckled.

"Teacher Lee always does that to me."i sighed.

"But you're good in English too,since you're Australian.So maybe he would pick you today."i said as Chan just smiled.

"Heh,true."he replied as you both looked at each other and laughed.


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