Chapter 25 Trace, Shelley

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Shelley and angels reunion had the club in tears but the twins coming in was the topping of the cake my parents turned up and I got blasted from ma from not telling her I claimed a women and got her knocked up and adopted a teenager and got engaged yep I was officially the worst son. dad knudged me

"fucking looker" he says looking at my woman

"and more" I say making him nod he knew what I meant

"I see dean though son I heard what he told shelley while she was out' he say and I look to him in a wtf look

"what you mean he is good friends with her"

"on her side yes" my mum says walking over with my son

"fucking spill now" I say feeling like I want to kill something so ma hands me my first son

"dean loves her" ma says soft

"what" I say shocked

"son you can see it not only that we heard him tell her" dad comments arms folded he did that so I wouldn't hand him my son and storm of

"what" I say chocked

"calm though boy its all one way look how she looks at you like you hold her whole world like you could melt butter. that girl is head over heels madly in love" ma says in a dreamy voice I look at her eye brow raised

"are we going to name theses boys" shelley pikes up after she has been talking to the kids ange got wheeled in and dean has just arrived with axel. making me stiffen but mum gave me that look. he and shelley could own me I swear. well shelley already dose.

"baby A is Jaxson Cory stone" shelley says confident I smile and Cory beams at the middle name

"baby B is Levi Liam stone" she declares and my brain heard Liam I look to dad who has a tear ma has her lip in her teeth Liam was my grandfather the name has been in our family for years but I never got to choose corys name so this is a honour and its my middle name my fathers and his shelley didn't know this she simply said a older man asked her in a another place in her head she described him and my dads eyes bulged out of his head that my grandfather.

"love it" I croak out

"good coz we all have already liked it" rose says holding Levi

"I bet you do' I say laughing rose has been asking to help name them and we were hesitant when she helped shelley name the pig. angel had Jaxson her facial expressions showed love she is not easy to read but this time I can see it clear as day. she is in love with her siblings. its the same way she looks at her mother. she even started doing to Cory and rose and I know Cory and ange have a secret but that's for anther day.

Shelley pov

Its been two weeks since I got home. Mila and frank traces parents haven't left we gave them the pool house and Cory was happy to be inside he wanted sibling time and I swear that kid is gay. no offense but I have noticed and so has ange. she has suffered ptsd and her therapist is helping her with that. the kids have been great rose got a few acceptance into university and so has ange but ange chose the one in la close by. rose still deciding. Cory well he got into art school after seeing his portfolio I've asked him to design my club tattoo. not only that he is designing another one I want done for my kids. he officially got his road name when they found out Cory is fucking ledged at cards he got called ace.

We decided to give it a year before we get married as we have had a lot of trauma. dean has not been around and him and trace have been on the outs. I am thinking he heard what was said when I am asleep but I have no idea. it scares me though. I love dean with my whole heart but I don't want him to loose his best friend. the twins have gotten so chunky and love their father every single time trace comes into the room its like they can sense it. its cute and funny. mila is amazing cook and I am lapping up the good food. they decided to stay till we marry something about making sure they get more grand babies. made me laugh.

Brings me to tonight everyone went to the club house and I'm home alone with ange. she tells me about her dream and I smile as I don't think it was a dream. she smiles and we snuggle on the couch and watch a new program called witcher or something like that. she is my soul and I feel it. thinking she will be starting college is heart breaking. rise seems distant lately she looks at ben like I look at trace the same way ange looks to axel. I just want to tell her to go for it. I see ben wants it but he keeps being a dick head. I am better of not getting involved. unless I have to

Thank you for reading thriving together. I wanted it to show a strong connection between a mother and daughter even though life throws them a curve ball. they still came out string in the end. I also have left this open as I am thinking of writing a second book about rose and ben and yes shelley trace ange cory and axel will still have their rolls and the twins will be a little older and ange will be back from college and you can see hr struggles ange and axel will have adjusting to the new dynamic. cory comes out and finds love. rose had a lot of hurdles but so will shelley and a the trouble that will arise there.

thank you and follow me as I bring out book 2

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