Chapter 9 shelley 7 weeks later

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"new Orleans" i say as i walk down the steps I've avoided trace real good I've picked up loads of extra shifts and i went away to the city with the girls trace had heaps of things called runs. his son has called past to pick up his sister a lot so its like we avoided each other. i have also hidden a few times because i am a coward.

"cant wait to be there" angel says bring her suitcase down from the stairs

"tell me about it lucky work was annoyed at my over time and told me to take 2 weeks of" i say

"i know thought we wouldn't be able to go for ages"

"put the things in my car baby I'm locking up" i say she nods and carries on doing so.

we are in the car and angel has avoided the talk about trace rose said her dad has been grumpy when he is home. she asked if he pissed me of i said no i simply told the girls i was exhausted from work and the girls nod in agreement. i feel like a bitch so this morning i sent him a msg letting him know ill be out of town for a weeks.

#Morning sorry i have seen you I've been busy with work. now on my way to new Orleans with my girl#

#morning beautiful. I'm sure you have been just avoiding me but I've claimed you baby your mine# gulping i didn't respond then had another txt

#once your home you will know what i mean#

i left it again feeling that tight feeling in my chest. i ignored it and started the car and drove out,,

1 week I've been here and angel has dragged me to every possible tour and shop. I've started to get sick have a tempters and have a wild headache

"mum you okay"

"yeah i just need to relax baby"

"okaaay well did i tell you what i want for my 17th" she simply adds making me looks to her

"what's that"

"a motorbike" she states simply making me chock

"a what"

"a black sportster" she says flicking through her phone showing me a picture my face pales and i feel i will be sick and i do straight into the bucket unsure if its because my baby wants a death trap or the fact I'm not well.

"holly shit women are you pregnant" angel says i go to protest the conversation but i pale even more and throw up.

'ILL BE BACK" she says fast grabbing her phone and running out the door leaving me to my thoughts i cant be pregnant the whole time in my life i have sex twice and end up knocked up would have to be a joke. doing this my self again no one to help. i mean at least I'm financially stable this time but still i have a damn 16 year old about to turn 17. its been a while and i hear the door slam open to see angel have a panicked look in her eyes.

"so many mum so many brands types hell this one says early what's early is that 1 day after gee mum it was a fucking circus who should i have asked" she says panicked hold boxes of pregnancy test i mean boxes

"you only needed one" i say sitting

"you have no idea the stress I'm under. i could be a big sister i have to start preparing i have to make sure my attitude is super thick so he or she picks it up, i could beat anyone who touches my sibling" she says in huff

"baby I'm prop just sick this is just encase" i say trying to calm the freaking out teenager but really I'm panicking. please be negative i groan in my head.

"come on pee" angel says handing me loads of test

"i only need one" i say to her

"oh sorry" she says putting the other back. i walk of shaking my head and i sit on the toilet and do my business. i slip the test on the bench and walk out the room where my teenager is pacing

"names boy or girl theme shit you ant having winnie the damn poo again" she mumbles making me frown i loved her nursery but i wont interrupt her rant i lay down as i feel dizzy.

"ill check" she says as the timer goes of she seems to run as i close my eyes felling the softness of the pillow

"Two pink lines is positive yeah" she ask yelling

"yes baby" i say nearly asleep

"holly shit mum your pregnant" she says running to the bed i sit up and see the test with out a emotion i say

"i need a shower" i say and i walk of the shower turn it on and sit my ass on the floor and i cry i cry damn eyes out. i know angel can hear me but I'm thankful she is giving me this. i hear her talking on the phone as it called and i know by the ring tone its her grandparents. crying even harder i sit on floor till the water goes cold. i stand and dry my self of and dry my hair i walk out get dressed i see the questions in angels eyes but she knows me he knows how long it takes me to process.

"are we going out" she says i nod

"i need food and supplements" i say yes i may not have wanted this but i will always give the bean what it needs and more. i did for angel.

"okay i think something healthy" she says

"can i say mum you have bad luck" she says making me laugh

"i do baby" i say finally smiling at the comment

we walk around we find supplements i need and we walk around until angel trips falls flat on her face'

"shit angel" i say helping her up

"fuck mum i saved you from the tree root" she says recovering from the fall

"saved me" i ask

"yes i didn't want you to fall and hurt my sibling so i took it for you" she says so smug

"oh really fucking shit head"

"omg mum i saved you and that's the thanx i get"

"oh yeah the danger was the root i think the danger for me in falling on dicks and getting knocked up" i say

"hmmm falling or did they dive in" she says running away making me glare at her i love her but man her mouth is gonna get her killed

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