Chapter 18 Shelley

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I get home and shower and go to hop in bed but I'm greeted by 3 teenagers all set up in the room. ange and rose on the bed Cory as set up a army trundle bed and turns Netflix on. i have one blood daughter who is my whole world but i gained two step kids who have similar hearts. as they start playing movies and talking about how fake it is I watch an observe yeah you can tell the twin are related but the way they all talk is like they been together their whole lives. now if that doesn't warm my cold heart nothing will. they started to play battle game its where you select 2 animals or super hero or a job or something and argue points on who would win. I actually fell asleep and I didn't think I would be able to fall asleep while trace was still at the club house. I was wrong.

I wake to a awful smell like cigarette's alcohol and perfume. frowning I roll over notice trace was in here. he smells he never showered before climbing into bed making me frown harder but I cant mistake the perfume lingering on his skin. so I play this calm as I have twins to think about.

"Trace" I say words still laced with anger

"baby" he mumbles

"get out" I say getting annoyed

"I'm fucked baby" he says in a whine's

"CORY" I yell knowing that kid wont be far he hasn't since he found out I was pregnant

"mum" Cory says entering the room all ready for school

"help your father get the hell out of my house I would but I'm pregnant and your fucking father smells of women and booze" I seethe getting out of bed and walking to have a shower and I hear Cory

"she forgave you the first fucking time dad" Cory seethes

"what the fuck mate why you here" trace says bitter

"mum yelled at me to come get your sorry ass. dad you stink not only that dad you have females perfume all over you a cheep hookers" he says bitter then I hear ange

"a fucking gain really dad" she seethes as she walks in but I turn the shower on and miss the rest of their yelling match as rose entered.

I walk out of the shower get dressed for work and fix my hair. I walk down stairs take my vitamins and have some coffee and breakfast. after a few moments I grabbed my keys to my Silverado and my bag and walked out to the car. I see trace talking to the prez who was at the clubhouse last night and the chick who had a gun at my head who was smirking at me and the guy I had a gun at his head there. the chicks stitches are fucked up so my buddy doc from the club house helped me out on a fucked up stitch. I smirked back throwing her of and climbed into to the truck.

"baby" trace says walking over to me but I fake smile and he knows its fake as I have to get to work and don't want to air my dirty laundry

"can we talk when they leave you need to hear me out" he says

"later trace I wont let your club ways effect my work" I seethe yeah I know about the club with whores and shit I was told he never touched them but then again I was pregnant and not that crash hot right now.

"baby listen to me I love you" he says holding my face I nod kiss him so no one knows anything is wrong and climb into my car.

I get to work and I am greeted by Sam riley and callie with a coffee and a croissant.

"you have a meeting with the head of the hospital" he says I nod knowing I have a nice black dress in my locker for meetings that happen randomly.

"okay ill be up in 5"

"ill send him the msg" riley says

"yeah" I say eating and walking to get changed.

I finish getting changed and I brush my teeth and leave to head up top. I am walking to the office and I knock.

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