Chapter 13 Shelley

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I wake and i feel blah looking to my right i have my man laying next to me smiling on how handsome he is when he is a sleep. i go to sit up realising my arm hurt like a bitch but as soon as i realise it i remember i remember angel. i look around noticing she isn't here, i look at the drip and pull it out and i apply pressure to the spot it come from. i slowly move to the side of the bed and make sure I'm stable before i stand. moving i slowly move my way to her room, i open her door to see axel asleep with angel wrapped around him but the passage light must have woken him as he sees me his eyes widen yeah fucker i see you. i frown but he removes him self

"she needed me" he whispers and my face softens at his face as he strokes her hair so tender and caring not saying the little shit is allowed near my little girl but its sweet

"out now" i say stern he moves quick and fast out of the room i crawl up into the bed and pull my girl to me i wont blame her if she hates me. god i hate my self. is this a beginning to a new dynamic of our relationship our love our life. god i hope not. i really really hope not. i love her more than life its self ill give my life for her gladly. i wrap my self around her and i hold her close to me and drift of to sleep. wake to feel her moving no not moving she is clinging to me crying

"baby" i whisper in her ear

"I'm so sorry" she says during sobs

"ooooh baby no I'm sorry i should have told you explained this properly" i say soft

"do you hate me mum do you want me to go" she says breaking

"you have to be kidding baby your my life ange your my whole world. without you baby I'm broken I'm a shell of what i am with out you baby i have no purpose remember together" i whisper and she hold me tighter

"i feel lost mum. i feel this is all my fault since you where 15" she says i make her look at me

"my life was hell and your grandfather was my devil baby having you made me become me having you made me escape hell you see me struggling i saw me thriving i saw my angel get given to me as a reward if anything baby you made me survive you gave me life and a purpose" i say holding her tighter and i see trace look at me smiles at me and closes her bedroom door leaving me with my broken girl who doesn't realises just how much my heart she has.

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