Chapter 11 Angelika

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When we first moved over i was excited but the first week of school was hell i didn't want to tell mum as things have not been easy for her but i was again a outcast. there is 3 groups two m'c and a mafia group yep in school. besides all the pda it was like war. i didn't fit in any category either. i never do i am fine with that. when i met rose at work we hitted of I've never really had that besides mum. its not weird either i know mums past with self harm and we don't hide things. except her secrete i know she is hiding something about her past i see the pain still evident in her eyes. she tries for me she always has i just wish she would let her self be happy. she reads people well its were i get it from. she is a good mum i still get scolded and in trouble but that's rare i mean it. its like she and i are closer than we should be for a mother daughter relationship i think it has more to-do with the fact we are only 15-16 years apart in age. Not long before we moved out here i saw fresh cuts under mums arm. she don't know i know. she tries babying me. i hear her cries about needing release needing the pain to make her mind go blank. how seeing someone she loves go through hell but when she wakes the next morning she holds me and tells me how much i mean to her but i see the pain, it takes someone who is going through it to see it. she loves to spoil me rather in attention or gifts she loves it even if i tell her no she still dose its like her secret obsession. she started when she got her career she said i deserve it but do i really. I used to wonder what would life be like if mark did hurt my mum enough to loose me where would she be. one day after school she caught me cutting i thought to my self she would be better of with out me. i mean I'm the reason her parents don't talk. I'm the reason she was homeless and had to struggle. one thing my mother was good at was understanding me. she applied pressure to my cut looked me in the eyes making sure i held her gaze she told me with out me she will soon follow. without me shouldn't have fought to a doctor. with out me she would have no purpose. without me she would be a caged animal in her parents games. i never cried as much as i did that day. i never felt her heart break like i did that day. she told me she understands my pain but its pain we share together. it was that moment i realised how much we need each other. when i go through my stages i send her a msg i send one word together. no matter what she is doing no matter the time or hour she has always come running and i do the same. she has held me cry millions of times she driven miles to collect me or even take me to the beach to breath it out. i am grateful I'm grateful for the fact we have each other.

We where not hear long before someone showed interest in her and to be honest i am happy for her about it. i am happy because i know trace feels the same. when i found out she is having another child to say i was excited was understatement it means i can be apart of it. although for a moment there I thought mum was going to do it all by her self when the prez walked away from her. Cory and i told rose about the baby and what happen when she was out of it. when i said what trace did by walking of they were pissed they pulled a meeting i sat in the corner laughing at rose scolding her father likea toddler. when he said mum was ignoring him telling him to be with his daughter i set him straight told him what i thought specially walking out on here let me show you how it went

"your a asshole" i explain fist fisted

"watch your tone" he says

"watcher her tone really" Cory back me up

"my mum has been through hell. i don't even know the half of it. have you seen her scares have you seen your so called women" i shout

"what is this about'

"you find out she is carrying your damn child and you walked away she thinks she is doing it by her self i mean I'm going to be there but a second time this has to suck specially how easy she gave her self to you" i say breaking at the last comment when i slapped him i see his rage

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