Petra smiled, “Alright Levi, you already know what items we sell here as well as the prices. All you really need to do is press this button when a customer hands you money…” She pointed to the ‘open’ button. Well if that wasn’t easy… “And Levi…” She waited for Levi to make eye contact with her, “You have to be nice to the customers… That means great them with ‘Hello, welcome to Ral’s bakery. What would you like?’ or ‘May I take your order?’” She sighed and left Levi, “I’ll be back after my break.” She waved as she left the front entirely.

            Levi watched her leave. He awkwardly stood there. He was the only one watching the front. Guess it’s not all that bad… Levi thought as he tapped the counter. It was clean, thanks to him. It was just one of those rare times when there were not really many customers. This was convenient for Levi because he wasn’t sure if he could handle a crowd.

            Standing here instead of hustling around, he could actually look around. He could look out of the windows and see the outside world. He watched as some leaves flew by. It reminded him that it was getting colder and colder. The weather was changing seemingly fast. Though, Levi actually didn’t mind the cold. It just felt right. Levi was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the bell ring that signaled a customer –no customers were coming in. Two young-looking ladies, possibly college students. They stopped in mid step when they saw Levi. The blond pulled the auburn haired girl closer, whispering frantically in the others ear.

            OMG! It’s that hot guy! You know, the one who stocks the bread shelves? The other girl seemed to peek up at Levi who tilted his head at the girl. He was puzzled as to why these girls were talking about him. Ah! He’s so cute! The other whispered as they giggled and approached the counter.

            Levi stood up straight, “Um… Welcome to Ral’s Bakery… What can I get you?” He watched as one girl broke out into a smile and the other’s face turned red. She was blushing.

            “Um… W-we’d like… Oh, how about two croissants please?” The blond immediately searched through her bag and pulled out a five. “Here, keep the change.” She smiled while the other stared at the ground. Levi merely nodded and went over to the croissants. He heard them whisper as he got them. Did you hear how deep his voice is? The other blushing girl replied to her friend. How could I not? I think my heart just melted a little. So sexy. That was all they could say before Levi came back with their croissants.

            “Here you are.” Levi paused, he remembered that Petra would always say a little extra, “Thank you. …And come back again.” He felt a little awkward as he said it but it seemed that the ladies really appreciated what he had said because as they walked away, they continued to whisper about him. We should totally tell our friends to come over! The other girl giggled and replied to her friend. Yeah, totally! Levi sighed in relief as he watched them leave. What weird girls they were. Did everyone else talk like that? It’s not just Eren or Petra who says things like cute or sexy? This brought Levi back to his thoughts from earlier. Wasn’t it really for couples? Sure he supposed they could be attracted to someone… but to go that far… Levi leaned against the counter, his chin resting in the palms of his hands. Attracted? Attractive… Levi thought back to the other day when he said Eren was attractive. Levi felt right when he said that… So… If I said that to Eren… Wouldn’t that mean I am attracted to him? This hit Levi as if it was the most obvious answer, like an ah-ha moment. “I’m attracted to him…” Levi mumbled as if testing to see if it was true. But Levi felt like it was more than just an attraction… I think… I… “I think I like Eren…” And Levi felt it. What he felt, he couldn’t explain. The sensation made him feel all mushy inside. Like butterflies had made their way into his gut. It was strange, yet inviting.

            But would Eren feel the same way?

            Ring! Levi looked up at the door, coming out of his realization of how he felt about Eren. He watched as a very tall, blonde, muscular man made his way into the bakery. He was different from the other man that Levi had seen before. But something about him gave him the chills but Levi couldn’t move. Levi stood up straight but is feet wouldn’t move. He cringed and swallowed slowly, “Welcome to Ral’s bakery. What can I get you?” Who is he? The man said nothing. He just leaned forward angling his head to the side. Levi froze in his spot. He wanted to punch this man for getting into his space. Then Levi heard a sniffling sound that made Levi push the man back. “What the fuck? Who do you think you are?” Levi glared up at the taller man, “Don’t you know there is a thing called personal space?”

            The man merely chuckled and smirked down a Levi, “The name’s Mike.”

            Levi crossed his arms and took a step back. What is with this guy? “Oh Hey Mike, I see you met Levi.” Levi turned his head to see Petra coming back. “And judging by Levi’s expression, you gave him your signature greet…” She giggled softly. “Alright Levi, you can go back to your duties. I’ll take over.” She took over Levi’s spot at the counter. Levi stood there for a moment and then he went into the kitchen. He didn’t like that Mike guy. Too weird.

            Well, other than meeting that Mike and the every once in a while rude customer, Levi was content with this job. He walked into the kitchen and sighed as he saw Sasha and Connie, once again snacking on all of the food. The sound of Levi walking in must have scared them because they both seemed to jump. Instead of saying anything Levi merely rolled his eyes and grunted in irritation. Idiots. “You guys will never learn-” Buzz… buzz… buzz… Levi felt something in his pocket vibrate. He pulled out his phone. “Who’s calling me during work?” He looked at the name and number, “Eren..?” His brows furrowed as he answered, “What is it Eren?”

            “Hey Levi, can you take a break right now?” Eren’s voice came out of the device.

            Levi visibly shrugged, “I don’t know.”

            “Then come out to the front and ask Petra.”

            As if obeying a command Levi found himself walking out to the front where Petra was working the cash register, “Was there something you needed to tell me?” Levi stopped as he was out of the kitchen and now in the front of the bakery, “And why couldn’t you tell me in person instead of wasting a call?”

            “Because I like hearing your deep voice over the phone.” Levi watched as Eren walked up to him, he was smiling.

            “Yes, I’m sure you do.” Levi said, ending the call. He put his phone in his pocket. “Give me a minute.” He said as he went to put his apron away. When Levi came back, he glanced over at Petra who was taking someone’s order, “Petra, can I take a break now?”

            She nodded, “Sure thing Levi. Have fun with Eren.” She winked.

            Levi turned back to Eren, “I’m all yours.” Eren smiled and guided Levi to a table. Levi sat across from Eren. He watched Eren sit down. “So what’s with the surprise visit?”

            Eren leaned on his hand, placing his elbow on the table, “I was going to ask if you wanted to go somewhere after work. You know, to celebrate your first week of employment.” He paused, “So is there anything you want to do, or want to go?”

            Oh, that’s nice of Eren. But… “Can we just go home then? I’d like to…” Levi looked down at the table, “…to be alone with you and talk…” Oh wait, he could take that the wrong way. He continued, “Nothing bad… Well I guess it could be bad, but I don’t think it will…” Levi sighed and glanced up at Eren, “What I am trying to say is that…” I want to get to know you better and… You to know me better. “I want to talk about you and I.” He copied Eren, leaning on his hand and placing his elbow on the table. “I want to talk about us.”

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now