Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 

The three of us walk into the office and go straight to my desk. I sit down, open the bottom drawer, take out a bottle of Jack Daniels, three Styrofoam cups and put them in front of us. I pour some for each of us. We sit in silence as we gulp it down. The only sound is the pinging of the building's old heating system. 

I toss my cup into the garbage. "People were coming out of every building. Thank God we went during the day. If that was night, they would have torn us apart," I say. 

Josh shakes his head. "They've been down the road all this time. Why haven't they come here earlier? Why are they here all of a sudden?" 

Bear puts his hand up and disappears from the room. He does that when he has an idea. He reappears, walks over and drops a map on my desk. He pulls a pen out of his pocket and clicks it open. "Jenn's body was found here." He draws a circle and then another circle on the road that we took to get to Sharpsburg. It sits behind the set of mountains that borders the field. Looking up he says, "All a person would have to do is cut through the mountain pass and they would be right there. It's a perfect entry and exit point." 

I lean over the map and examine it. "Yeah, but just like Josh said, why now? And how did Jenn end up there? Someone had to bring her out there. She wasn't just hanging out in the field. She says on the tape a person handcuffed her to the post. It looks like someone did all of this on purpose. It's like they wanted those things to come here." 

"You're dumber than you look," I hear from the doorway of the office. I lift my head from the map and see a short man. He's wearing a cowboy hat and has long gray hair tied in a ponytail. He has an unkempt white beard and is wearing a white shirt with a tan leather vest. Around his neck are a large silver cross and a string of rope with several heads of garlic hanging off of it. He is holding a staff with a sharp end on the bottom. 

"Can I help you?" I ask. 

"No, but I can help you. What you have is a vampire invasion." 

The three of us look at each other and then I say, "How would you help us with that?" 

"Cause I'm a vampire killer. I travel the world fighting vampires."

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