Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

It's been two days since I've taken a pill.  I've been light headed, nauseous and anxious.  My heart is jackhammering around the clock and I haven't slept.  It's not getting any easier; in fact it's getting harder.  I looked up detox on the internet and found out that it gets worse before it gets better.  Some people have said it takes a month to clean out your system.  I don't know if I'll make it that long without collapsing or relapsing. 

It's also been two days since Bear disappeared and we've searched everywhere.  We've gone through the jail, called the hospital, we've checked empty houses, and made our way through the camping grounds.  We haven't even picked up a trace of him.  I'm at a total loss, and then a letter comes in the mail.  I recognize the handwriting immediately and tear it open


I'm mailing this letter to you before I offer myself to the vampires.  I hope this gets to you after a few days, and you'll find me and get the information you need.  I'm sure you've probably figured this out by now,   but I've put myself in a position where I won't be able to hurt anyone.  I'm in the woods by the church and, if this works, you'll be able to confront me and I won't be able to harm you.  I'm hoping there will still be enough of me left to tell you how to end all of this.  The one thing that I need you to do is stab me through the heart.  No matter what happens, promise me and yourself that you'll be ready and able to do that."

          I jump out of my seat and look at the clock.  It's close to 5 PM.  I rush out of the office, hand the note to Josh, who looks it over, drops it on his desk, and grabs his coat.  We head out.

          At the door, Josh stops me. "Clark, we need to bring the stakes."

          I freeze when he says that.  He's right.  If Bear carried out his plan we're supposed to go there and take him out.  Since we've been looking for him, I've been praying we'd find him safe. I'm not sure I can do what he is asking of me.

          "Josh," is all I can get out before he cuts me off.

          "Clark, he's my best friend and this is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but we have to.  If we don't and he gets out, he could kill people.  We can't be responsible for that."

          "Okay.  I'll get them," I say. I go back to my office, open the bottom drawer of my desk and take out two stakes.  The bottle of Jack Daniels at the bottom of the drawer catches my eye. I keep it here for stress relief.  I open it and take a swig.  It burns down my throat and into my stomach.  I drop it back into the desk and, with my hands shaking, pick up the stakes and take them outside to Josh.

          We each get into our cars and drive over to the church.  I pull behind the building, turn my spotlight on and scan the area that sits beyond the parking lot.  The cement part ends and the ground turns into grass, rolls down a short hill and becomes a wooded area.  Moving the light from side, to side, I don't make anything out.

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