Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 


"The disappearance of the body of Officer Peter Green has sparked outrage not only from his family and friends but from the whole community. So far, in this bizarre crime wave five bodies have disappeared from the morgue and two from the funeral home. While all the other cases are suspicious, Officer Green's has the mystery of the missing video hanging over it.  

From the urging of this reporter, the family of Officer Green has successfully contacted the DA, Chip Peterson, to investigate not only this body's disappearance but all of the cases. 'So far, we have been respectful of the police department and their investigation of these murders and the missing bodies but at some point we have to step in and see what exactly is going on here,' DA Peterson said.  

When asked if he could be going after the Sheriff or any of the people that work for him in these cases, the DA would only say, 'All options are on the table.'" 

I drop the paper on the kitchen table. Jesus, just what I need that DA douche bag, Peterson, on my ass. I can't stand that guy with his bow ties, suspenders and condescending attitude. I got to cut him off before he even gets started. Having this guy on my ass is a nightmare. If he actually figures out that Bear and Josh were the ones that took Pete's body and burned it we're all done.  

I need to call in a favor from the Mayor. He told me to reach out to him with any issues. He knows that I'm going after Glen, and I'll tell him that this will only waste time from the investigation.  

I dial his number on my cell. "Clark?" he says, picking up. 

"Yes, Mr. Mayor, I don't know where you are so I hope I'm calling you at a decent hour." 

"It's quite alright Clark. What can I do for you?" 

"Something has come up in the investigation. Apparently our old friend Chip is starting to look into what is going on especially with Pete and I was just contacting you to see if you could get him to back off or at least wait until all of these crimes are resolved." 

"You want me to do what?" 

"I just wanted to see if you could intervene with the DA and give us some breathing room here until we resolve these crimes. Having him snoop around is going to take time away from our investigation and could really hamper my work on Glen." 

There is a silence for a few seconds. I try to see if he is still on the other end, "Hello?"  

"Yeah, Clark I'm here." 

"Did you hear what I had said?" 

"Yes, I heard what you said, and I'm just trying to imagine what you are thinking. Here I am on the other side of the world trying to take care of my kid who has cancer, and you're calling me about some nonsense between you and the DA?" 

"It's not some nonsense. It could have a major impact on our work." 

"Clark, I really don't have time for this. I can't believe you reached out to me on this with everything that I have going on." 

"I'm sorry Mr. Mayor I thought you wanted to keep up to date on the investigation, and I thought this was an important issue." 

"If you think this is some sort of major issue that I should be involved in, you need to reconsider what you think is important. Do you have anything else for me that isn't a total waste of time because, as you know, my daughter is very sick and I need to attend to her." 

"No, that was it. I'm sorry to disturb you. How is your daughter doing?" 

There is silence and then the phone beeps. I lift it from my ear and see that we got disconnected. That didn't go the way I thought it would. He told me to keep him up to date and to reach out to him with any problems and when I do he cuts me off. I can't be overly upset considering what he has going on, but this is going to be an issue, especially since Josh and Bear were involved in this. 

My phone rings and it's Josh. "We got a problem at the Corner," he says. 

"What is it?" 

"It's the owner, John. He's been missing since last night when he went out to dump the trash after hours. No one has seen him since." 

"Where are you?" 

"I'm at the Corner and his wife is here. She's letting me in." 

"I'll be right over," I say. I rush outside, jump in my car and take off to The Corner.

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