Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

              We pull off of the main road and turn onto the long driveway that cuts across the farm, bouncing up and down in the car as we go over the uneven gravel road. I park, and Josh and I get out. Both of us turn on our flashlights and point them at a figure standing over someone in the middle of the field.

                The person standing turns around. "Clark, I'm shocked. I didn't think you would ever figure it out."

                "Mr. Mayor, I'm bringing you in for murdering Jenn Hunter." He laughs.

                 "Clark, buddy, that ain't happening, but I'm curious. How did you manage to put it all together?"

                   "Something an old friend told me. Once I considered the possibility that you never actually left town to take care of your daughter, it all came together. You don't want to lose your daughter, so you unleashed the vampires on this town while you prayed for a miracle to save her. If she gets better, you skip town. If she doesn't, you bring her out here, let her get bitten, and you don't lose her."

                  "Did you like the way I hammed it up on the phone? I would call you from the bathroom or the basement. Sounded pretty good didn't it? You really thought I was somewhere in Asia. How about my acting job when you came into the office? Did I overdo it with all of my sobbing and crying?"

                   Josh breaks in, "Why go to all of these lengths? Why not just bring her to Sharpsburg and get attacked? Why all of this?"

                    "He was hedging his bets and providing cover. She somehow gets cured he could just skip town with her and no one would know he did it. She doesn't get better and he lets one of them get her and he stays here with her. He played it so he wouldn't lose no matter what happened. I didn't think someone would stoop so low to use their daughter's illness to cover their tracks."

                      Mayor Frazier nods his head. "Clark, I guess I have to admit I've underestimated you. I didn't think you had it in you to figure this out. Whenever I'd go to a Pennsylvania Mayor's Conference everyone would ask me why I put up with such a dumbshit as my Sheriff. I never told them that I wanted to make sure I had someone in your position that I could always outsmart in case I needed to do something like this. It was fun to watch you chasing around Doctor Albert and Glen."

                     "Glen seemed to know a lot of things about the investigations that he shouldn't have. I wasn't far off to think he was guilty," I say.

                         Mayor Frazier chuckles. "That's because Glen is my boy. I would feed him information and he would print it-like the story about your pal Victor running around here. I had to get rid of him. I put a little bug in Glen's ear and he did the rest of the work."

                       I look down at his daughter, who is in a sleeping bag at his feet. "Mr. Mayor, it's time to go. We need to bring your daughter in from the cold. She could freeze to death out here." He kneels down next to her and puts his hand on the side of her face.

                      "Unfortunately, that won't matter. She's beyond on that now. We're not even talking days anymore. She's down to her final hours."

                       "I'm sorry that's the case, but it's not up to you to do this."

                         He stands up and his demeanor changes instantly, "You're going to lecture me on what I should be doing with my daughter? In my office you're the one who said I should do whatever I need to and that's what I did. I did what I needed to do to save her."

                          "I didn't mean that you should unleash hell on the town. I didn't mean that other people had to die because of her. What would you tell the Downey's -- that their child was less important than yours?"

                           "How dare you tell me what to do for my daughter. You, a drug addict that arrests people for doing the same things you were doing? You, cheating on your wife with that slut secretary you have? "

                          I reach around and pull the handcuffs off my belt. "It's over Mr. Mayor I'm bringing you in. The difference between me and you is that I've faced up and owned the things I've done. You're unwilling to do that. Whatever justification you need to use about all of this is on you not me."

                        "Sorry, Clark but I got one more surprise for you. You didn't think that I'd leave my little girl did you?" He opens his mouth to reveal his sharp, razor wired teeth and moves towards us. "I'm not just here to sacrifice my daughter, I'm here to run this show. The two if us will always be together. Once she becomes a vampire we'll have Sharpsburg and Scottsville under our control. Who knows how far I can take this. I can move on to the next county, the next state, even the whole world and the only thing that sits between me and my dream is you, and I won't let you stop me."

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