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"MAYOR WAS A MONSTER!!!"             "The murder spree that has taken hold of this town is over and the person responsible for starting it was someone that the town knew and trusted. The Mayor, who has run this town for decades, was the person who dragged Jenn Hunter out to Scotts Farm and orchestrated the killings that has held us all hostage.

               The only thing that is more amazing than who did this is that the Sheriff, Clark Taylor, was actually able to figure it out. As of now, it appears that the Mayor and all of the creatures that were doing his bidding have left Scottsville and there seems to be a return to normalcy as citizens move back to the homes they abandoned in the height of the crisis.

           This paper would like to give more credit to the Sheriff for ending this but with all of the embarrassing missteps and heavy handed tactics the police department employed it would not be appropriate for this paper to do so. The short attention spans of the citizens are on full display as Sheriff Taylor remains in office despite his drug addicted past and infidelity."

           I put the paper down. It's been two weeks since Mayor Frazier went down and all the vampires have left and just like Glen said things seem to be coming back to normal. People are moving back and businesses are re-opening.

          At work Josh is out of the hospital and will be back to work in a few days. In my own life I haven't touched a pill and Emily is coming home later this week with the girls. Our marriage has a long way to go but we're both willing to give it another chance. It's funny that cleansing the evil of this town also cleansed me.

          Even though we've been free of any vampires for the last few weeks I have to admit that I keep looking over my shoulder and have the cross that Kate gave me around my neck at all times. Last night I went to take out the trash at home and heard a branch break behind me. I spun around expecting to see the undead waiting to pounce on me but it was just a neighbor's cat. We're only a few miles from Sharpsburg so who knows? Maybe they liked it here and want to come back and they're just waiting for someone who is sick and twisted to invite them. I never imagined it could have happened the first time so who's to say it couldn't happen again?

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