Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Bear, Josh and I step into the dark building. Victor hands me his staff and opens the bag he carries over his shoulder. He pulls a torch out and ignites it with a lighter.  

"Why don't you just use a flashlight?" Josh asks. 

"They're afraid of fire," Victor says as he takes the staff back from me and waits for the torch to flare up. Once it does, he lifts it over his head. I haven't been inside this place since it closed. The inventory is gone, but the aisles are still up. 

Victor flashes the torch from side to side and stares straight ahead. I can barely make anything out. The fire scarcely illuminates the area around us. My heart starts to beat faster and faster until it's at a full gallop. All of my senses get heightened as I listened for any sound and stare as intently as I can into the blackness. We all stand in a semi-circle waiting for any sign of a vampire's presence.  

Seconds go by, then minutes. I can feel the sweat on my palms increase as I hold onto the staff. I take one hand off and wipe it on my pant leg. Even though we are in a large building, waiting here in the pitch black starts to feel claustrophobic. Something has to happen, or I'm going to freak out. 

"Victor," I whisper. 

"Shut up," he whispers back. Then in a second, he says, "There" and points at a figure standing on top of one of the aisles. I can still hardly make anything out, but it looks like a person crouching, waiting to pounce. 

Victor picks up his staff and throws it like a javelin straight at the figure and hits it dead center. The creature screams, falls off the ledge and lands on the floor. We rush over and see its Jenn. She screams as she tries to pull the stake out of her heart, but she can't. Finally she gives up and crumbles away to dust. 

"Jesus, you took her out like it was nothing," Bear says. 

Victor puts his finger up to his mouth. "Stop talking, you idiot." Just as he says that, we hear footsteps running out from the other side of the building. "They're heading for the exit. Let's go," Victor says as we try to make our way through the store. We're moving at a fast clip with Victor in the lead, but once we get about halfway, he stops and we all bump into each other.  

"Be careful," he says, and flashes the torch towards the ground, exposing a trip wire. "These fuckers aren't too powerful, but they are tricky." He lifts the torch following the wire all the way up towards the ceiling. He steps back, pulls on the wire and watches a heavy board, filled with nails, slam down and almost knock over one of the empty shelves. 

"That was their trap. They ran away hoping we would chase them and release this wire," Victor says. 

We avoid the wreckage, make our way to the back, run through the exit, and see several figures disappear over the hill that sits behind the building. 

"Shit. They got away," Victor says. 

"But we got one. I mean you totally nailed Jenn. You did that so easily," Bear says. 

"Are you kidding? We just let all of them escape. I could have cleaned this whole group out," Victor says. 

"So far, you're the only one that's been able to do anything against these things," Josh says. 

"You morons don't know what you're talking about. These guys are going to set up shop somewhere else, and now that they know we can attack them, they are going to be even more aggressive." 

"They're already aggressive. They're taking people out every few days." 

Victor continues to stare up the hill. "That was nothing. Now it's war." 

Walking back to our cars, I pull Victor aside, "I guess you got a lot going on with other places, but do you think you could hang out here in Scottsville? We could really use your help." 

"No kidding." 

"Come on, I know that we're pretty green at this, but we would support you. We would just need you to lead the way." 

"I've gotten too many new cases recently. A lot of people depend on me in places that are in much worse shape than this. Your town is in danger but it's a small scale. I can go to a place like Detroit and kick ass." 

"Detroit has vampires?" 

"Have you seen Detroit recently?" 

"I've heard it's in rough shape. I know that this is a smaller scale than you're used to dealing with, but it sure would make a difference." He continues to stare off in the distance like he's considering what I'm saying, "Victor, I grew up here," I say. "So did Josh and Bear. To other people, this is just some small dot on a map, but to us it's home. Our families grew up here for generations. We don't want to lose this." 

He turns his head and looks me in the eyes. "Spare me the Mayberry bullshit." 

"It may sound like Mayberry bullshit to you but to us it's our town." 

"Fine, I'll help you out as long as I can, but I can't invest too much time here. There are too many other places that need my help." 

I almost jump up and down in excitement. "This is great. It really is. You have a place to stay? We can find some accommodations for you and put you up on the department's dime." 

"It's fine. I have a place in the middle of town." 

"The middle of town? You're not staying at the White Deer Hotel are you? That place is bad. They got everything going on there from drugs to prostitution." 

"Don't worry about me, Clark. The price is right, and I can take care of myself." 

"Okay, can you at least give me your cell or something so I can reach you?" 

He begins to walk away. "Sorry Clark, you're going to have to wait for me. I'm not some errand boy waiting around for you to call me." 

"I'm not saying you're an errand boy. We just want to make sure we can contact you when we need you, or if you need us." 

"What would I need you for?" 

"I don't know. Maybe you want to know where a good place is to eat or where to pick up some supplies." 

He continues to walk away, steps underneath a street light and then walks out into the darkness. This guy is a pain in the ass, but if he can take these things out the way he took out Jenn, I'll put up with him. 

"How about a ride?" I yell. He doesn't respond just keeps walking.  

This is great. I have a plan in place now. I work with Victor on the night shift knocking those things out one by one. During the day I'll continue to get more and more evidence against Glenn. If things go well I could have this wrapped up and everything will be back to normal. Once this is in order, I'll repair my marriage and my relationship with my kids. I'll take some time off and kick this habit. Alright, this is all going to get better.

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