Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

                  Both Josh and I step backward as the Mayor advances. "Clark, I'll give you credit for figuring this all out but you're not bringing me in. Once I realized I wasn't going to be able to save my girl I turned myself into a vampire. Turns out, since I started all of this, I'm more powerful than your ordinary vampire. I didn't have it in me to kill my own little girl. You can understand that can't you Clark? I brought her out here so one of the others can come here and do the job for me. It really doesn't hurt that bad. You know what they say, 'fear of death is worse than death itself.'"

                    "Mr. Mayor, you don't have to make this worse than it has to be. You've done enough. It's time to own all of this and to bring it to an end."

                    He stops in his tracks. "I'm going to end it all right. Once you and Josh are out of the way there will be no stopping us."

                     I pull the receiver off of my belt that is connected to the radio. I whisper into it, "Victor, if you're listening in we could really use your help out at Scott's Farm."

                     The Mayor lets out a cackle "Clark, no one is coming to save you. It's over for you and for the rest of this town."

                    He leaps at us. Both of us dive in different directions and the Mayor flies by us and slams hard into my cruiser leaving a dent in it. Josh and I get up and circle around. I glance over at Josh who is limping. Great, Josh can barely move.

                    "Any thoughts here, Clark?" Josh says keeping his eyes on Mayor Frazier.

                     "We need to keep moving. I wasn't prepared for this. Do we have any weapons we can use against him?"

                       "I got my Rosary and you have your cross."

                      "Those can hold him at bay. What we really need is a stake to finish him off."

                       Mayor Frazier gets up. "Looks like I was a little over excited there. I just can't wait to take you out Clark. To tell the truth, I've never liked you. All you are is a pathetic, stupid ex-dumb jock walking around town acting like you own this place. Just because you played football here twenty years ago doesn't make you in charge of anything. I run this place not you. I had to sit in those meetings with you and listen to you try to formulate a thought. It hurt to watch you even try to think."

                    If I can keep him talking and Victor is close by listening to the radio maybe I can hold the mayor long enough for Victor to come in and save my ass.

                    The mayor continues to move towards me. "I swear, Clark, I don't how you even function with such low brainpower. You don't know how embarrassing it was to have you represent this town as sheriff. Thankfully, you were too stupid to know how badly I was using you. It doesn't surprise me that you're a drug addict and that you decided to nail your secretary. It's the work of a weak mind. You just can't function like a man."

                   He's working himself up. Maybe, I can use this against him. "You think I liked sitting there with you? Always having to listen to you talking about how long you've been mayor. Listening to you endlessly patting yourself on the back for doing the simplest of tasks. The constant bragging that you do about yourself. Everyone hated listening to it but we were stuck because of your position."

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