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                                                  DESPITE THE FACT THAT HARTLEY had concocted the most idiotic plan to ever exist, and the fact that she knew her morals had not agreed with it, she went along with it anyway. She didn't know what possessed that part of her mind to commit such a horrendous act and she was pretty sure her subconscious was out of wack as she stared at the shattered glass on the ground with a sadistic smile.

Hartley's new toys he had built over the course of her impriosnment were emitting the sonic blasts that left millions of pieces of shattered glass from the windows of Rathaway Industries. He destroyed every inch of the sculptures and everything else around them, including the police cars that were approaching them, not in the least worried that they would get arrested. All she could do was watch, making no effort to join him because by now they would have drawn the attention of the person they were really looking for.

The Flash.

She didn't know who he was, neither did Hartley. He, judging by his physique in photos that were captured of him despite being a blur, was a strange phenomena that basically appeared out of nowhere and began saving people. A hero that Central City seemed to praise because of his incredible abilities that manifested from God knows where. In the last hours before the beginning of Harley's plan, he had told her about he's study on the superhero. Who he had saved and where he had saved them, one thing becoming absolutely clear that he had always arrived and exited at the same place before and after every rescue, STAR Labs.

So of course Harrison Wells was involved but that's about all the information Hartley had given her, refusing to disclose more and claiming that was the entire plan. To confront him even if they were to be confined in his walls. Escape a strategy he had already planned but without telling her exactly what it was. But Elaine knew better, there was something that Hartley wasn't telling her, but if he got her a confrontation with the man that had caused her so much pain, she didn't care about anything else.

As Hartley stopped another car from approaching them, blasting the vehicle side ways to prevent it from approaching them, the duo came to a pause as they saw a red blur coming towards their direction. Before both of them could do anything, it pushed them to the ground harshly. It's blurry figure forming into the man they were waiting for.

"It's over Rathaway. You and your partner should give up now." The Flash spoke, speaking down to them as if his abilities had made him more superior than them. Elaine realized that the superhero had yet to discover her identity, most likely because it had been surprising that Hartley had a partner in the first place and that a masquerade mask covered her face, concealing her eyes and just below her nose.

Harley smiled as if he had already completed the mission. But they might as well already have, they were bound to be captured but they had to stage it perfectly first. "You know my name. I know some names to," The Flash nodding for him to continue. "Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Harrison Wells." Elaine's eyes had softened at the mention of Cisco's name but just as quickly, her hardened expression had returned at the mention of Harrison's. "I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit. About 1900 megahertz? Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they going to hear you die?"

Hartley helped Elaine off from the ground, the both of them ready to hurt the Flash just enough to get them captured. "No," the man clad in read leather spoke confidently, a smile on his face that dictated that they, Hartley and Elaine, we're going to lose the battle. "They're going hear you get you ass kicked."

Both Elaine and Hartley looked at each other then back to the Flash. "Okay." She said before she kicked him hard against the chest and she was shocked to witness him soar across from the duo into a glass structure, going straight though it and shattering it. She looked at Hartley unable to comprehend what had just happened and unbeknown to her, Hartley had seen her eyes flash a brilliant but faint red. Before either of them could dwell on the bizarre moment further, the Flash got up, speeding away and around them. Elaine watching as Hartley tried to strike him with his sonic gloves.

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