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FURY WAS AN EMOTION THAT COULD BE FUELED BY ANYTHING. The slightest mishaps as simple as breaking a wine glass or even a single word could be a trigger. The two words that ignited some sort of fire (not in a good way) for Elaine Mo was the mere mention of the sad excuse of a father figure that was Harrison Wells. His name, his face, basically his entire existence made her blood boil and she didn't think that would come to a halt any time soon.

It had been over a year since the man she refused to acknowledge imprisoned her in the psyche ward of Central City Hospital. She barely spent a month in their so called home before he sent her packing. The wheelchair bound man had told the authorities that she had supposedly attacked him. Given that his statement was entirely true, he didnt tell the entire story, however, that was a tale for another day.

Like she had predicted all those months ago along with Hartley, whom she hadn't seen in over a year, the accelerator had indeed exploded and afterwards, nothing had really been the same. Her friendship with her best friend had quickly died because she refused to communicate with him. He had practically betrayed her. He had basically taken Harrisons side no matter how many times she tried to tell him the truth when she was still in lock up in Harrison's house. He often asked why would Dr Wells ever do such a thing and her answer remained the same every time, he didn't know the real Harrison Wells like he thought he did. She knew how much he valued Dr Wells, he was his mentor after all. He was merely blinded by his greatness to ever acknowledge what was staring right in front of him and she couldn't blame him for it. Once he saw the truth, then he would believe her.

The truth however seemed to be taking its time and she had basically given up trying. She had no platform to speak put out about Harrison, she was basically a mental nutcase. No one would believe a crazy person, even she knew that. So she practically sat rotting in her room, barely going out except for group sessions she never spoke in android the dreadful food they forced them to ingest. No visitations were permitted in the ward unlike the other parts of the hospital so she was always lonely. No books or anything she could use to distract herself were permitted either. Hazardous to the patients, they always said. Her day to day routine only consisting of two things, sitting and doing absolutely nothing. She was pretty sure that she was going to go crazy at some point.

"Elaine?" Her namesake nurse, a brunette with dark skin wearing a stark white attire as usual, called out to her, a polite smile on her face. Elaine returned the gesture, actually happy to see her. Nurse Elaine was the only one who actually treated her like a person and not a critically insane patient. When she would do her rounds, they would have same conversations about practically anything. One would say that they were friends. Nurse Elaine was the only person keeping Elaine from her breaking point and she was the only person who believed her about the accelerator. Knowing full well she was innocent and absolutely not crazy.

"The usual Doc?" Elaine asked, sitting up straight from her reclined position.

"You do know I'm not a doctor yet right?" Nurse Elaine spoke, coming forward with a tiny foam cup in hand and sitting beside her friend. Nurse, soon to be Doctor Elaine, had been studying part time at the local college to become the profession she so desired to be. She had since longed to leave Central City to become a doctor without borders, devoting her life to help those who need. Elaine realised that after she graduated in a few months, her friend would leave and she would be alone once more.

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