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                                                             ELAINE OPENED HER EYES, they slowly adjusted to the intensity of the light emitting from above her. Her thoughts scattered with various possible scenarios on how she had gotten there in the first place but a voice had quickly halted them.

It was familiar, instantly regonisable as Harrison Wells and immediately she remembered everything. Hartley, The Flash and Cisco. The metal cuffs on her left wrist that were formally on both wrists, were also a painful reminder that she was just as weak as she was earlier. She felt light headed at the thoughts of all the terrible things she had done, horrible for not thinking about the consequences and honestly it wasn't like her at all.

Her thoughts became displaced the moment she heard the sound of wheels approaching the door, her expression instantly falling as she noticed who was at the door. She took one glance at him and looked away, tears on the brink of falling. "Leave me alone." She uttered weakly, not in the mood to speak to him, she doubted she would ever will.


"You have no right to speak to me." She cut him off, her voice noticeably shaky and her mind to tired to continue with the conversation he so clearly wanted to have.

Harrison looked down to his hands, his thumbs fighting with the other before he looked her in the eye. "I came here to apologize." Her eyes narrowed at him. She shook her head at the ingenuity of his words.

"Try again."

"Elley," he tried again moving closer to her. At the mention of the nickname that Tess had given to her before she died, she glared at him. Harrison knew full well that she didn't want to be reminded of yet another mother she had lost and the nickname had done just that. Nobody had used it since and she refused to let anyone. Harrison was trying to get back on to her good side, that was evident, but nothing could take back what he did that day and what followed after.

She shifted her gaze towards the glass that surrounded the medical bay, looking through it to see Caitlin, Cisco and who she assumed was the Flash but without the mask staring at a computer screen. Knowing Cisco, he was most likely watching the entire exchange, Cailtin and the scarlet speedster probably doing the same. "Do they know?" She asked. He kept his eyes on her, his face stoic in its usual nature and any trace of emotion void. That was all she needed to answer her question. "You're despicable."

"You knew how important this project was to me. You don't understand how much I've worked-"

"I don't understand?" She repeated with a scoff. "You let your ego get in the way of what was more important and still you failed. We warned you and because you didn't trust your own goddamn daughter and your protégé, for some odd reason, you decided to throw us out and look where that got you. In a fucking wheelchair and a tarnished reputation!" She sniffed, refusing to let tears fall down her face. "I hope destroying our relationship was worth it."

She avoided his gaze looking back through the glass, anything to distract her from the man seated right in front to her. There was silence then, Harrison still in his wheelchair and not getting the obvious sign to leave. "I want to fix this." He tried once more.

"You've had a year to fix things." Dr. Wells took that as his final hint, knowing the conversation was done. He sighed and turned his wheelchair, making his way towards the door. He halted at the threshold when Elaine had spoken out his name. He refused to look her in the eye then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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