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It was one in the morning when I got the call from Debra. She told me that there was a little girl who she wanted me to meet. "I'm sorry, Debra," I whispered. "I just don't think that I can take in another child."

"Even if you're the child's godmother?" Debra questioned.

"Did something happen to Marissa and Josh?" I asked nervously.

"Marissa is currently in prison. As for Josh, he's passed. All that's left is Quinn."

"I see," I said after a moment. "What about Sammy? Did he make it?"

"No, just Quinn," Debra said sadly.

"We'll be down tomorrow," I sighed. "Is Quinn alright?"

"I'm not sure," Debra said distantly. "She's been through a lot, so, even if she turns out okay physically, she probably won't be mentally."

"Okay, I understand," I whispered, "goodnight Debra." I hung up the phone and laid back down on the bed with a groan.

"Who was it?" Ben asked.

"Debra," I sighed. "Something happened to Marissa and Josh, now Quinn has nowhere to go."

"What about Sammy?" He asked, sitting up.

"He's gone," I whispered sadly. "Quinn is all that's left. Her mom's in prison and both Josh and Sammy died."

"Poor little thing," Ben pitied. "We'll have to get everything ready tomorrow."

"I hope the boys won't mind," I mumbled.

"They've never had a sister before, but I'm sure they'll love her." Ben smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"I hope so," I sighed, laying back but never going to sleep.

The next morning I had gotten up early to pack. "Mom?" Mason asked sleepily. At fourteen, Mason was my youngest son. He was African American with dark black hair. He was already around six foot, but he was still smaller than the rest of his brothers. His eyes were such a dark color you couldn't even tell if he had any pupils at all.

"Yes?" I asked, still packing.

"Are we going somewhere?" He questioned while looking at the bag.

"Not all of us," I corrected. "Just me and your father."

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Well, sweetie, we're picking up a surprise for you and your brothers," I smiled up at him.

"What is it?" Mason asked excitedly.

"If I told you then it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it," I laughed.

"Fine," he huffed, and walked out of the room. I smiled and laughed to myself as I went back to packing.

When I had finished, I went into the guest bedroom. It needed a good dusting, but I figured Alex could do that for me. The bed was made and if I left some money then I'm sure that Camryn could go and by some reasonable clothes for a girl. Of course, I could always return what she doesn't like and take her out shopping myself.

I walked down the stairs and saw most of my babies were eating breakfast. If you didn't count the ones who didn't live at home, then you could say that all of my babies were eating, but the missing three are still my babies too.

"Hey mom," Alex said with a mouthful of waffles. Alex was my oldest that still lived at home. He was six foot five at only seventeen. He had light brown hair and eyes; a bit of a Plain Jane aside from his height.

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