Chapter 23

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I missed by an inch. Damn it. I never miss.

I get distracted in the slightest so he uses it to his advantage. He kicks the gun out of my hand, sending it flying to a far corner of the room. He sends a punch at me which I quickly dodge. Looks like he's up for a fight and I'm ready for it.

He fights pretty well. But not up to my standards. I land a blow in his direction which sends him stumbling backwards to where my gun is. He quickly gets up and picks it up, aiming it at me.

I pause, not scared in the slightest. I place my hand on my hip and tilt my head in observation, my long blonde hair falling to the side. I arch a brow and smirk skeptically, my eyes flicking between the gun in his shaking hands and him. "I see you've got a backbone now, huh?! You got a weapon quite alright. But you're still shaking. What's wrong? Scared to use it? " I 'tsk'in fake pity, shaking my head in unapproval.

Slowly, I take struts towards him.  "If you were in a real battle, you would be dead by now with that timid attitude of yours, Alex cold butt" I tease. His clutch on the gun tightens. "my name is colebert not cold butt" he snaps agitatedly. I snicker in my mind. It's funny coming from him. I keep moving towards him till the  cold object in now directly touching my forehead. Looking up into his terrified eyes, I put up a fake innocent act.

"Don't tell me you're gonna kill a girl? Especially one you're in love with?" I give him my best innocent look. I can see him breaking down in fear of doing something wrong. My best trump card is using one's weakness against them.

Crazy right?

That's who I am. Crazy.

"you can't even hurt a fly" I say mockingly. In a swift second, I knock the gun out of his grasp and far from his reach. He sends a blow to me and I dodge it swiftly and effortlessly. I aim a punch at him but he grabs my arm and twists it behind me, sending shock waves up my spine. I bite my tongue to prevent the painful grunt from escaping. He leans down to my ear, both of us breathing heavily

"What are you planning Aileeta?" He knows I won't answer but he still decides to ask. My legs leave the ground as I wrap them around his neck, cocking it and sending him tumbling and crashing on the ground. I quickly pull out my pocket knife and pounce on him before he can get up, trapping him between my legs, my lips is only inches away from his now. He's panting and sweating profusely from the fight.

My cold blade presses lightly on his neck. One more press and I'd be drawing blood from his neck. My hair falls over my shoulders, curtaining and sweeping the side of his face and the floor. "You can't love a psycho like me cold butt. You're not even my type" I grasp his lower lip between my teeth, softly pulling it before slowly letting go, watching as it bounces back in place. I smirk smugly.

"know your limit cold butt. Don't follow me again else I won't think twice about chopping your head off" I bluntly threaten, promised danger laced in my voice. I give Anthony the go signal in Italian and the next thing I hear is an explosion. I get off a terrified Alex and run off. In the end, my job is still accomplished.

Alex's p.o.v
I kill people

I rob banks and innocent people's homes....

I derive joy from people's pain and fear...

All her words keep replaying in my head. She even had a gun. A fucking gun. She almost blew out my brain. If not that she missed I would've been laying in a pool of my own spilled blood. How can someone so innocent looking be so dangerous and heartless?! And yet...

I still have growing feelings for her.

But why is she like this?  Who is she? Who made her like this and what does she plan on getting? The way she looks at my cousin whenever she sees him. She acts nice but I can still see the hatred in her eyes when she looks at him. Is he perhaps involved in this?

Do they have a history together?

If so...

What history?

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