I glanced at Harry to see him staring at me in annoyance and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"The fuck would I know what she likes?" Harry muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'll just get the bag. I also need some more wrapping paper and ribbon." I told him as I put my empty cup in the bin as Harry groaned.

"Hey we can split up."

"M'not leaving you alone." Harry stated as if I was stupid and to be fair, this had been the shopping centre when I'd first seen my kidnappers.

"What if I needed to get your present?"

"You're not getting me anything." Harry said seriously and I shrugged dramatically making him narrow his eyes.

"M'not getting you anything."

"That's okay." I smiled, "You don't give presents for something in return. You do it because you care about people and want to make them happy."

I met Harry's eyes as he stared at me, I didn't know if he'd heard anything I'd just said and instead of replying to me, his hands grabbed my face and pressed our lips together, shocking me. I blinked and Harry had pulled away before I got to kiss him back.

"Let's go get your fucking wrapping paper."


"Santa baby, a fifty four convertible too, light blue."

I sang along as I hung the garland across the mantlepiece, admittedly I hadn't gotten very far with the decorating. I had planned to start immediately when we got home but then Harry was hungry so I had to make lunch.

Then he decided he wanted to play Fifa which was okay, but I had asked for his help getting some of the boxes down from a spare room upstairs and he'd agreed, only to get distracted by his game which turned into a game of one more game, promise Flower and then he got me to stop asking by kissing me.

Which of course turned into me sitting on his lap being a begging mess because I always wanted one more kiss which Harry never complied to until I kissed his neck which ended up with us kissing for another ten minutes.

So yeah, I had done exactly two rooms so far and it was quarter to four and I had a lasagna cooking in the oven too.

But to be fair after I had given up with him and just headed up the stairs Harry had appeared behind me, almost suspiciously quickly telling me he was there to help and I wouldn't be able to do it on own.

Despite me doing it by myself for the last five years.

But I didn't complain and then he disappeared into his bedroom and I assume that's where he's been for the last forty five minutes.

"Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot. Been an angel all year."

"The fuck is this godawful rubbish?"

I jumped, clutching the wreath against my chest as I spun to face Harry leaning against the doorway in a panic. I mean, he was the only other person in the house, I don't know who I was expecting.

"Kylie Minogue. And it's Christmas music." I said indignantly.

How dare he, Christmas music is the best.

"It's horrible." Harry muttered as he made his way over towards me.

"It's wonderful. And you have to listen to Christmas music when you decorate, it's the law."

"Definitely is not the law Flower."

"I'm a law student, I'd know." I stuck my tongue at him making Harry roll his eyes but step closer to me, his head dropping so it was level with my own.

"Put that away or I'll make you put it to good use Buttercup." He threatened making me squeal and lean away.

"Do you want to help?" I asked a few minutes later, after I'd calmed myself down.

Harry groaned and I looked at him as he flopped onto the sofa, his legs spread and I really wanted to be between them.

"You don't have to. I was just wondering." I said once I'd shaken myself out of it.

"Don't really know what m'doing." Harry admitted but stood up anyway and I raised an eyebrow. "Never decorated before."

I tried to control my gasp but couldn't, making Harry roll his eyes.

"It's pretty easy. Each box has what room the decorations belong to on it. You can do this garland if you want, it just goes around the arch." I pulled out one of the two long ones and handed it to Harry.

I went back to setting up the nativity ornaments along the top of the fireplace once Harry had hold of the garland, only to stop half way through when I realised he hadn't moved and I glanced over my shoulder to find him standing in the same place watching me.

"I have no idea what I'm doing Flower." Harry rubbed his jaw making me laugh a bit.

"There's little string hoops attached to the garland and I'm pretty sure the hooks are still stuck on the wall from last year."

I gave up on the naivety set for the moment and grabbed Harry's hand, forcing him to follow me as I looked at the wall and true to form I'd been lazy and not taken them down.

"Easy peasy." I smiled at Harry once we'd put the garland on the wall together, although I'd done most of the work and Harry had just bloody watched me the whole time. "You can do the one on the other side."

"Then we're done?" Harry asked making my eyes bug out.

"Not even close H!" I laughed, "I haven't even started the kitchen, the foyer, the staircase and my room. Not to mention the tree in here, the foyer and the small one in my room."

"Jesus Christ Flower."

"You don't have to help if you don't want. I usually do it alone anyway." I shrugged, I'd be happy if he was just in the room with me whilst I decorated.

"M'here now Flower. You don't have to do it alone."

I looked at Harry as he spoke, a very unsure look on his face as I flushed.

"I'd like that." I admitted smiling, watching Harry's lips twitch.

Even if he wasn't here for Christmas, decorating for it was arguably the best part anyway.

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