C5 - Still Unknown, Alone

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Wolf went to his locker, sighing, after another lonely night. He yawned, having eaten a good breakfast, ready for some more on-site training. He was grateful that nobody recognized him... and that he changed his name from that of his parents. He was technically, under Cornerian law, a wanted criminal for treason and unlawful speech, by heritage. Indeed, the sons and daughters of supposed criminals were arrested as well, with the Supreme General Pepper's belief in inheritance of criminal nature.

Yes, Pepper believed and enforced a lot of bullcrap, Wolf thankfully knew. It seemed everyone else here treated his word like a god's. Everyone else but Falco, maybe... and Fox. His mind went back again to that fox, those vital years younger. It'd never happen because of that. It'd never happen anyhow, if he wanted to keep his head. Just... damn that Pepper, and—

A sudden spray of black gunk came from Wolf's locker as he opened it. He sputtered, wincing his eyes closed, and turning around. "Shit," he swore, as the liquid black continued to spritz and sputter out. It stained his clothes, and covered his face and soft-gray hair. His face blushed intensely as he leaned over, feeling embarrassed beyond belief.

"Heya, Wolf!" a speaker installed in the locker played out a certain amphibian's voice. "Slippy here. Just consider this a little revenge— Heya, Wolf! Slippy here. Just consider this a little revenge— Heya—"

Wolf turned around, and gutted the cheap speaker's mesh and innards with his claw, feeling a few shocks and sizzles along his paw from doing so.

Bill came up, covered in a similar spray of what must have been paint, wiping his face. "I was going to warn you, Wolf, he must have gotten you, too. Slimy little shit—"

"Shut up," Wolf softly said, running out and away from the lockers.

"I could report this little thing, though," Bill then proposed. "Hell, the school's on our side. We could get the fat slime-ball of a frog out of here."

"No. Keep him around," Wolf said, trying to make it sound ominous. "Don't say anything about this, Bill."

"Why shoul—" Bill began, but saw the intense expression in Wolf's red eyes. "Hm. If it's that important, suit yourself."

In reality, though, Wolf knew he deserved this. He felt sorry for Slippy. He looked down, and saw his previous actions meet their fateful consequence. He vowed to not pick on this frog anymore, for the time being... and to also go to the Academy laundromat, at the moment.

• • ● • •

Fox sat on the top bunk as usual, reading a magazine about varied starships and flight tips, as well as the people involved in the aviation world. He sometimes saw a picture of himself laid in the pages... and here was another. He found himself to be the topic of discussion as of late, even though nothing at all really happened to him. "Fox and Falco: Friends with an avian? What Pepper has to say," the article's title read. McCloud scoffed, and threw the magazine off, now simply lying back and listening to the soft synth pop typical of the Cornerian city stations.

"Aww, this song was playing when we met," Falco chirped softly, holding Miyu's hand as he flipped through.

Suddenly, a knock came at the door. Miyu gasped, and looked around, then went to hide in the literal closet, nestling in behind a set of uniforms. Falco closed it behind her, trying to act casual. Fox, meanwhile, made sure everything was all situated, before opening the door.

Wolf O'Donnell stood before him, somewhat slouched and tired. "Hey," the lupine greeted, sighing.

"The hell—! What are you doing here, Wolf?" Fox backed up a little. "Didn't you say you hated me?"

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