Chapter 71: The One With A Frozen Heart

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"6,000 Kroner? Is that the best you've got, lad?" The scruffy, brown bearded guard boisterously laughed, the foul smell of his breath disturbing the younger cloaked, auburn haired man. The cloak he had managed to steal from the castle staff's personal lounge covered the rest of his body but left those familiar sideburns exposed, and his freckled tainted neck.

Hans never did wonder why he began a deal with the Spanish princess last night during one of his expired ale sessions in his dimly lit cell. He also wouldn't forget how the lady pulled up his dirt mutted collar and spoke with a tone that sounded like you better agree or I'm sure your head will be on a silver plate.

What he wondered instead?

He had met the King of Spain in his golden days before his wrists were caught dead with metal cuffs. He was there to witness the day when his eldest brother, Jonathan shake hands with the Spanish monarch and exchange trade routes for their new agreements and partnership.

He'd spoken with the burly, dark haired man dressed in finery, gold rings adorning his fingers and a velvet cape hanging down from his upper back to the floor beneath his feet. The king of Spain had a good sense of humor and is very benevolent, a family man at heart amongst political discussions with Official Santiago and distressing court schedules.

But his daughter had inherited none of those.

He'd just learned that Maria can shift from one disguise to another, in a very impressive speed. When she snarled at him last night, her fingers digging through the dry fabric of his collar through heavy bars, she had changed from a portrait of grace to that of an outraged dragon.

He could tell she was one spoiled brat, because she mentioned that she gets what she wants, and there wasn't a single moment she didn't.

I quiver in fear, Hans thought with heavy sarcasm, I don't even know why she had taken a liking to the King of Arendelle.

"I come with the word of your princess," Hans smirked, "Your fellow guard was there to witness the beginning of our deal, just ask him."

Diego shot Carlito a dirty look and then returned to face the former prince, glaring icily at him.

"It was a deal, Diego." Carlito shrugged, "He gets the crown, the princess gets the king."

"What we're about to do is insane!" Diego growled, "This is already like killing ourselves. Arendelle is one of the most powerful kingdoms and King Matteo wouldn't want it against our own because of this—this madness!"

"Madness, you say?"

All heads turned to the hazel brown eyed princess, holding a knife wistfully as she casually observed how the blade gleam in a stray light of the sun, "I mean, I'm sure you would like to cooperate in this so called madness. Do you know, what's REAL madness?"

She danced around her bodyguard like a swift snake, the knife in her hand creating a sickening screech as it scratched the cobblestone wall, "My father finding out who REALLY stole mother's precious bracelet." She seethed.

Shutting his eyes tightly, he murmured silently as his weak sentiment, "It was for my family. We had nothing left."

"Exactly. Then just do what I say or I swear you'll find yourself back in Spain with your hands chained."

Maria rolled her eyes before turning to the auburn haired prisoner, "You better do your best. I didn't poison the two idiots for nothing."

"I will. But I don't seem to get how kidnapping the ice witch's husband will give me the crown." Hans folded his arms modestly, "Forget the crown. I want vengeance."

Maria chuckled mirthlessly and twisted a curl of her hair, "Whatever you wish. I only intend to get what's rightfully mine."

And Diego resisted the urge to say that she doesn't always get what she wants.

"Listen up, all of you." Maria demanded, "The Unity Ball is over and we're sailing away the day after tomorrow. So you all have the rest of the day tomorrow to act fast."

"Yes, your highness."

"Because I want to sail home with my new beloved."

——≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪——

"First my father, and now THIS?!" Aiden huffed angrily, "What's gotten into you all?! YOU HAVE RECKLESSLY FREED ARENDELLE'S GREATEST THREAT!"

"Lover, you have to calm down.." Elsa hissed sternly, sitting tensely on her throne. She rubbed the bridge of her nose in distress as she watched her fire king pace back and forth in front of the entire troop of Arendellian guards.

A certain, formerly bubbly princess is as fuming as Aiden is, her icy glare rivaling Elsa's well mastered one. Anna's fist was already itching in need, her blue green eyes almost reflecting a fiery inferno while her blood boiled in her veins. Elsa was just grateful that her little sister is holding her niece and nephew to keep her from tackling any of the guards.

"Everyone was guarding the main castle entrance, sire! We left only two of our men to take charge of the dungeons." Captain Lars defensively retorted.

"Who are these guards you speak of?" Aiden strictly interrogated, eyeing the captain with smoke coming from his palms.

"Sergeant Eirik and Kirk, your majesty. We made them swear to not let a single thing go wrong," Lars gritted his teeth in frustration, "And yet someone got to cut the ex-prince's bars and free him without any trace."

"I have to echo Captain Lars' disappointment, my king," Lieutenant Matthias spoke solemnly from the throne room's entrance, "But I have to disagree with his last claim."

"Have you found anything?" Anna desperately questioned beside her sister.

"I'm afraid I did, your highness. Private Sigrid, bring them in."

Two men were roughly thrown on the hardwood floor. Kirk, the dirty blond haired one, rubbed his sore head while he untangled himself from his fellow guard's form, both men's lips colorless and skins pale. Both of their eyes are drowsy and their body feeling like jelly.

"What happened last night?" Aiden slowly approaches the duo, kneeling to their height.

"... P-princess.." Eirik rasped, ".. M-maria..." He coughed weakly, trickles of blood spilling out from his mouth, "... P-poison." Kirk gasped, clutching his chest in pain.

"Princess Maria?" Aiden gasped.

"We have some incriminating evidence, your Majesty." Matthias stepped forward, holding a transparent plastic bag with numerous glass shards and two wine glass handles,

"The poison was disguised as generous liquor, by the Spanish princess truly." Elsa growled, glaring at the shards dangerously, "I knew there was something mysterious about her. I've sensed it everytime I'm near her presence."

"Beware, your majesties." Matthias sternly.

"The princess might be up to something. Anything. And I'm sure she's really well prepared."

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