Chapter 23

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"You're so cute." Lucy said as she held Happy and rubbed his belly. "And so soft and sweet."

Happy purred and brushed against the the blonde as she treated him with affection.

"Please enough with the hugs and kisses." Natsu said. "You'll spoil him and turn him into a wuss."

"I can't help it. He's just so adorable. You know I always wanted a pet but my father wouldn't allow me to have one."

"Really? Huh..." He said. "Listen we're about to arrive at where the legendary Capricorn is located so you stay down here, Happy keep her safe."

The cat nodded before watching his master return to the upper deck. According to legend the capricorn was located on the other side of a puddle that was in the middle of a mountain.

"How can something be located on the other side of a puddle?" Natsu asked.

"I don't know. That's just what the legend says." Gajeel said.

"Maybe it's a type of riddle." Juvia suggested.

"That's one tricky riddle." Natsu said.

"Well first thing's first, we need to climb up that mountain." Erza said.

"With what?" Laxus said.

"Well we got daggers and rope right?"

"Yeah so?"

"You'd be surprised by what you can use those items for aside from cutting and tying."

"It may not be that simple." Gajeel said. "This mountain might be too slick for those."

"Um Gajeel quick question." Gray said.


"By any chance does the legend mention anything else living on the mountain other than the capricorn?"

"Like what?"

"How about a giant bird?"

Gray pointed upward, the crew turned around to see an enormous bird of prey flying down from the mountain and toward them.

"What is that thing?" Erza asked.

"It's a Roc!" Gajeel shouted. "Everyone hit the dirt!"

At once everyone on jumped down to the deck so the roc wouldn't be able to catch them. They all laid flat on the ship though Gray had his arms around Juvia, shielding her from the giant and deadly bird.

"Nobody move an inch." Gajeel said quietly.

"What do we do?" Juvia asked in an equally quiet tone.

"Just stay still, lay flat, and whatever you do don't stand up."

"What's that thing want?" Natsu asked.

"What do you think? It wants to eat us. But if we lay flat then it can't get a grip on us with it's talons. As long as we remain like this we're safe."

"Shouldn't we try to scare it away with cannons?" Laxus said.

"No! Just keep still! Don't worry once it's realizes it can't catch us it'll go away and find something else to eat."

All six of them continued to lay flat on the ship, not moving at all. The roc just circled and circled around in the air over the ship.

"How long is this buzzard going fly around?" Gray asked.

"It's trying to see how long we can stay like this." Gajeel said. "It's trying to decide if the wait is worth it."

"How long do you suppose before it leaves?" Erza said.

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