My hero Academia OC 13 - Sachiko Hayami

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Name: Hayami, Sachiko
Alter-Ego Name: Jinxed Hero - Miss Fortune
Alternate Names: Black Cat, Bad Luck Charm.
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16
Appearance: Standing at 5'4" and weighing 132 lbs. Suiko is pale skinned with long red hair which she keeps in a French braid or ponytail so as to not get her vision. Due to not being in the Hero-Course she lacks an official costume, outside of UA she tends to wear a brown leather jacket over a grey hoodie, a red pleated skirt leggings and black heeled boots outside of school.
Sexuality: Striaght
Role: UA Student/Possible Hero or Villain
Personality: To many, Hayami is a happy-go-lucky girl who prides herself at trying to be the best at whatever she puts her mind to. Prideful, a little haughty, extremely determined, stubborn as a rock and having a very forceful personality which causes her to put many more gullible and meek people easily under her thumb. Her drive to succeed is borderline insanity in terms of how dedicated she is to a task.
However, this is an act she has put on masterfully in an effort to cover what she really is underneath. A lonely and very sad person, whose quirk leaves her feeling isolated from others. She uses her public mask in an effort to hide the deep-seated insecurities, anxieties, resentment and most of all, a desperate craving for affection of any sort, from the prying eyes of those around her.

Likes: Being the center of attention, people being nice to her, being happy, her family, days when her quirk isn't active.
Dislikes: Being alone, being overworked, when things don't go her way, other people's families, anything that reminds her of her mother.
Family: Mr. Hayami (Father), Genji Hayami (Younger Brother)
Crush: ???/Maybe Dabi, Shoto Todoroki or Hitoshi Shinso
Friends: "What are you talking about of course I have friends!" (Can only count Shinso as a friend)
Rival(s): ???/Probably anyone who gets in her way.
Backstory: To many, Hayami Sachiko appears as the stereotypical "popular schoolgirl", though unlike other examples of this stereotype, instead of having the whole school under her thumb she only has her class. While she projects an air of superiority about her, due to appearing to be rich and cultured, in reality this is all a carefully cultivated act as a means to distance herself from who she really is.

In reality, Hayami came from a working class family in Osaka, with her father constantly overworking himself as a salaryman in order to provide for both himself and his children. Hayami's mother basically abandoned them when Sachiko was only six, in order to marry a rich young business exec who she was having an affair with as his secretary. Leaving her family behind in the dust to  live the high life in Tokyo. Hayami was basically forced overnight to take up a job and care of her little brother Genji while balancing her studies, throwing away what little freedom she had in an effort to keep the remnants of her family together.

She decided to become hero due in part to her quirk and the income it would provide to her family, but ended up shunted into the General Department in Class 1-C rather than into Heroics due to the test not being suited to her own quirk. Since then she has sought to make her way into the heroics courses no-matter what, by any means necessary, in order to become something more than just another high schooler.

- Quirk -
Name: Luck (Probability Alteration)
Type: Mutation
Power: Jinx's quirk is based around Luck, or probability for the less superstitious. Her quirk makes her extremely lucky at the cost of making others around her extremely unlucky overtime. The more luck that she "absorbs" from those around her also increases Hayami's abilities exceptional. Though the power can be counteracted by committing acts considered Unlucky.
Advantages: Practically shifts probabilities of any sort in the user's favor at the cost of everyone else. For every person she uses her power against, Hayami own physical abilities (mostly her stamina, agility and athletics) increase as well.
Disadvantages: A person stubborn enough can muscle through her jinx and still fight, it's just any kind of misfortune happens to them while she is around. Hayami is entirely dependent on her own combat abilities to defend themselves as the boost she gets that is drawn from her quirk is rather minor against more experienced opponents. Once Hayami activated her quirk, she has very little control over and it takes great difficulty to turn off.

* Hayami always carries an umbrella/parasol with her which she has had bribed Mei Hatsume modify to hold a whole arsenal of tricks. From the panels being made of a highly durable "metallic fabric" that is not only both bulletproof and stab proof but can easily tank Bakugou's explosions, to having the ability to fire darts from it's tip, and having short sword hidden within the umbrella's shaft using the handle as a hilt. The umbrella is Hayami's weapon of choice and she never goes anywhere without it.
* She constantly does unlucky things in an effort to counteract her own quirk and give luck back to those around her. Such as opening an umbrella inside, spilling salt, etc.
* The fact she was the 13th OC I've made for MHA in this roster is something that I didn't even realize but it's too fitting.

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