My Hero Academia OC 5 - Reisan

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Name: Hatori Sora
Hero Name: Wind-Storm Hero: Reisan (translation of Zero Fighter)
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Hatori takes after his nephew in appearance (though technically it's the other way around) with a tall and strong, rather broad chested, but with a much lighter build due to his reliance of agility and speed over pure power. He sport brown spiky hair, with two short strands hanging down either side of his forehead, though a single strand of hair always manages to stick up out of it, no matter how much product he puts in it. An his eyes are an aqua color that can often be mistaken for both green or blue. He is handsome in a scruffy, disheveled, delinquent sort of way.
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Pro-Hero
Personality: Fierce, dedicated, affectionate, practically personifies machismo, stubborn, sometimes has his head in the clouds too much for his own good, has a good heart underneath his tough exterior.
Likes: Flying, Using his quirk, collecting and assembling models of Japanese Aircraft, Bird Watching, History, Politics, debating and butting heads with his nephew
Dislikes: Being on the ground, being lectured to on things he already knows about, the Media.
Family: Eto Anderson, née Sora (Sister, Deceased), Maine and Jimmu Anderson (Nephews)
Crush: Mandalay and Pixiebob
Friends: Howa Kagemusha/Darkwing, Midnight, Hawks, Edge-Shot, Endeavor, The Wild Wild Pussycats (specifically Mandalay).
Rival: Koku Hanabata & Chitose Kizuki (Non-Personal)
Backstory: Born to a middle class family, Hatori became obsessed with flight and aircraft from an early age,  most notably developing a full blown obsession with the Japanese Airforce that was spurred on by his parents. His quirk's ability to control wind and air pressure only fanned the flames and made it burn brighter.

Hatori's aspiration to become a hero was born not out of want to fight crime, but to use his quirk freely and it offered a nice steady flow of cash to keep himself and his family well off and support his habit. As a fierce lover of history, Hatori designed his costume after a WW2 Japanese pilot both as a love letter to his passion and because to him it felt "right" wearing something like the airmen of old while he flew using his quirk. Hatori is by all accounts and upstanding hero, while never having made the Top 10 (which he blames on his "bumpy" relationship with the media) He is still fairly popular due to not only his general heroics but from his hot-blooded super sentai esque style.

Hatori runs into frequent media relations problems as his costume and patriotism have led him to be used as a symbol by Uyoku dantai (Japanese Ultranationalists) which has lead to a multitude of attacks by both the media and politicians, with a particular hatred between Hatori and Koku Hanabata, the leader of the Hearts and Minds Party, a prominent Free Quirk and Anti-Superhero Party in the Japanese Diet. Hatori has repeatedly called the left-leaning party a front for a "Meta Liberation Army" though this is only believed by only the most fringe of conspiracy theorists and was repeatedly mocked by both the media and (behind his back) other heroes for such beliefs.

On the family side, Hatori is a bit more dysfunctional, the death of his sister in a suspected home invasion, the disappearance of his two nephews and his parents almost succumbing from despair at the news left him alone and almost completely devoid of human contact outside of his usual hero work. He was made to work with the Wild Wild Pussycats by some colleges in the hero community who were concerned with his mental health and it worked to both help him psychologically and rehabilitate his reputation somewhat.

- Quirk -
Name: Divine Wind
Type: Emitter
Power: Allows the user to manipulate and bend wind and air to their will. Through the use of his powers he is capable of supersonic flight.
Advantages: Virtually limitless resources to manipulate and with his training is able to manipulate air pressure as well to extremely dangerous levels.
Disadvantages: In places with little to no air to manipulate (like underwater) Hatori's quirk is useless. He need immense concentration to maintain things like vortexes and vacuums. At high-altitude he has much more trouble with using his quirk.
Other: Hatori has a agreement with a local windmill power plant nearby to visit and increase their production via the use of his quirk. In return he doesn't have to pay his energy bills.

* Hyabusa (Peregrine Falcon) Air Bullet - Hatori forms a finger gun with his middle, index fingers and thumb before releasing a concentrated blast that strikes a target like a bullet from a gun.
* Hamaki (Leaf Roll) Blast - Forming his hand into a claw, Hatori fires a cylindrical blast of highly pressurized air that will break hardened targets more stubborn that can't be put down by normal forces.
* Hiryū (Flying Dragon) Air Cannon - A two-handed version of Peregrine Air Bullet, requires a slight charge but has the destructive power comparable to All For One's Air Cannon.
* Arashi (Storm) Razor - A precise slash of wind capable of slicing through materials as tough as reinforced concrete with ease, mostly used by Reisan for cutting apart debris or instructions blocking his path.
* Zero Sortie - Reisan's ultimate attack, which traps his opponent in a tornado, immobilizing and then inflicting hundreds of attacks on his defenseless opponent at once, usually leaving a villain's body too cut up and beaten to continue to fight, and if they somehow still have the will to continue, the wounds they sustain will become weaknesses Hatori can exploit.

- Hero Gear -
* Helmet - Hatori's helmet resembles that of a WW2 Japanese leather pilot helmet, complete with flight-goggles. Though it looks retro and worn, in reality it mounts both advanced communication equipment but also enough protection to shield Hatori from any blunt-force trauma. He also tends to wear a Hachimaki (a Japanese headband) over his helmet emblazoned with the rising sun and the Kanji for Kamikaze/Divine Wind
* Wing Pack - When not using his quirk fully, Hatori uses his wing pack to glide around, using his powers to constructing air currents and updrafts to fly about on at a very fast pace.
* Jumpsuit & Flightjacket - Despite the old-fashioned look of his costume, Reisan's outfit and contains many of the abilities that his nephews has, such as climate control and is fully pressurized to handle high-altitudes. Colored red and white because of Hatori's patriotism for his country, with some of the leather left it's usual tan to add to the old fashioned astetic. He also wears a long white scarf and keeps a couple of falcon feathers attached to his collar as both a personalization and a good-luck charm.
* Boots and Gloves - Reisan can direct air through his boots and gloves in order to manipulate his flight path and maneuverability more easily.

- Other -
* Hatori has a notorious hatred of the media (which is mutual) mostly due to them dragging his name through the mud since his very debut. Though he is adored by the public, and carrying a rather long list of heroics that would put even veterans to shame, Hatori has never made it into the Top 10 Heroes, which he thinks the media rigs against him. This assertion was only made worse by the inclusion of Wash to the top 10, despite Hatori having a much better track record over all, something his friends Edge-Shot and Darkwing regularly pokes fun at.
* Hatori loves flying, preferring it more than anything else in the world than any other mode of travel, once commenting that he got his pilot's license before his driver's license and he uses his quirk whenever possible to cruise up in the clouds.
* Almost all of Hatori's attacks are named after aircraft or aircraft carriers of the Second World War.

- Stats -
Power: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 5/5
Intellect: 3/5
Media Love: -1/5

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