My Hero Academia OC 11 - Revelation

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Name: Unknown
Villain Name: The Future/Living Armageddon: Revelation
Gender: Male
Age: ???
Appearance: Standing at 7'1" and weighing 400 pounds, Revelation's size cuts an imposing figure to help cement his reputation as the villain known as "The Living Armageddon", his face hidden constantly behind a helmet that completely obscures his features sans his cold pricing green eyes which glare out from behind the heavy materials. Revelation's attire is rather militaristic choice, a tan shearling field coat over a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with a heavy flak jacket, a pair of khaki cargo pants with heavy tanker boots and armored greaves and gauntlets.
Sexuality: ???
Role: Villain/Despotic Ruler of Future Japan
Personality: While not being deliberately vague to keep everything about him a mystery, Revelation has shown to rapidly shift between two moods, in one he is calm, collected, even respectful, he does not try to lie to himself and others that what he does is horrible. To some he'd even sounds regretful of having to wipe out anyone in his way. This is contrast to his other personality which is remarkably more villainous, reveling in the fear and destruction he causes as he snuffs out the lives of heroes like they are candles in the midst of a storm, one who will happily kill his subordinates if they do not meet his expectations and steal the quirk of those who do but can still be proven useful.
Likes: Crushing anyone in his way, showing off his power, mocking his enemies, marveling at the land around him.
Dislikes: Making mistakes, anything that reminds him of his past.
Family: - REDACTED -
Crush: N/a
Friends: None
Rival(s): All heroes in his timeline's future, later most present heroes as well.
Backstory: From a nightmarish future where heroes have all but been wiped out in Japan. What little the people of the future known about Revelation only adds to this terrifying aura of mysticism he shrouds himself in. All that's is known that he first came to the attention of the world by either breaking into or out of Tartarus and not only murdering All For One, but somehow managing to take the villain's quirk as well (as well as the untold number of other quirks that the villain had stolen before his defeat), before releasing all the inmates who would escape with him via a teleportation quirk. The only clue he left was the kanji for "Revelation" (啓示, Keiji) scrawled on the wall in All For One's blood.

While the country was plunged into madness and anarchy at the mass breakout, Judgement waited. Those prisoners who came with him found not a  liberator, but an executioner. Stripping them of their quirks and slaughtered like dogs as the villain gathered as many quirks as he could to amass. Wanting the power he needed to re-emerge.

Years past, a new generation of heroes took up the torch and as he grew in power Revelation began to slowly make his way into the scene. First minor villains and criminals would disappear then major ones, until even the likes of the League of Villains and their cohorts were not safe from his work. An when he finally made his proper debut, he made sure to leave an impression; by leveling UA to the ground and slaughtering every one of it's students and faculty without hesitation. This act was more than enough to get his one-man delectation of war against the heroes of Japan across. Many ask why did he do it? To create fear? To show off his power? Many do not know but UA would be the prototype of what he would soon turn the entire country into.

He would then begin a meticulous and methodical purge of any and every hero that would try to stop him. All of it in personalized and in such a way to spread fear and paranoia through the ranks of the survivors. Even the Top 10 Pro-Heroes and the Japanese Military were like birds fighting a against a hurricane against him.

The remnants of the Pro-Hero were forced underground, knowing that they'd be eventually hunted down and that they could not defeat Revelation in the present. They thought of a radical and incredibly risky move to end this tyrant's reign before it even started. Using a combination of technology and quirks, the heroes sent the current user of One For All and a hand-picked squad back in time to before Revelation became a villain and either change his ways or, as a last resort, eliminate him if he could not be swayed.

However the plan was discovered and Revelation stormed the base, with the remnants stalling for as long as possible to make sure he did not interfere. Despite their valiant efforts, Revelation ripped through their defenses like paper and acceded the machine, sending himself back in time after the team, wether to stop them from preventing his rise to power, or maybe change the past for his own purpose.

- Quirk -
Name: All For One/Multiple Other Quirks
Type: Emitter/Transformation/Mutation
Power: Somehow acquiring the quirk of the supervillain All For One and stealing a veritable arsenal of Quirks number somewhere in the hundreds of thousands over the course of years.
Advantages: Overwhelming power, versatility, easily able to use his massive arsenal to allow him to both deal and take more damage than his opponent
Disadvantages: All his quirks still have their innate weaknesses, which can be exploited if he already has not found another quirk to counteract the weakness. Due to never facing any real opposition in a fight, Revelation's  strategies have atrophied to a point where he simply fights in a direct and upfront measure.
Other: Wether out of wanting to toy with his opponent, or out of a want to keep his true strength a secret. Revelation holds himself back in almost every fight he partakes in, even so he is still a tremendously destructive force even with holding back, sending his opponents through walls with but a backhand, breaking buildings in half with a half-hearted punch.


Blockbuster. Revelation's go-to ranges attack, a swirling mass of energy contained within a black sphere charged from his hand, made from the combined force of at least ten separate quirks. I'm terms of raw power, it is easily capable of destroying a city-block (thus the name) easily and is Revelation's go-to when dealing with an opponent, mostly due in part to the raw display of power it shows off which demoralizes most foes.

City-Buster. An increase in power that can easily devastate a portion of a city. It is basically a supped-up version of Block Buster.

Ground Zero. Revelation's ultimate and last-ditch attack. Combining two City-Busters into a single sphere and then increasing the power to almost ridiculous levels. This single attack can wipe out a whole city if it were to detonate, with an explosive force on par with that of a Thermonuclear warhead.

* Revelation is suppose to be a pastiche of a typical Superhero Movie Villain, a type of blatantly overpowered and seemingly unstoppable force in human form that is only defeated through the abilities and conviction of a hero, great sacrifice, or dangerous techniques that doom one of the heroes much like that of Apocalypse, Thanos, Darkseid or others
* The way Revelation would be able to interact with the "present" would involve a storyline like that of X Men: Days of Futures Past mixed with a small bit of Terminator
* Revelation's identity is unknown to many in the future (and will not be revealed as that's a major spoiler). The "Away-Team" sent to the past has a sample of his blood which they can use to find him in the "present" in an effort to stop the man before he becomes the monster.
* His name is derived from the Book of Revelation, which contained information about the Apocalypse and the End of the World. He found the name suiting for what he wished to do.

- Stats -
Power: 7/5
Speed: 7/5
Technique: 7/5
Intellect: 5/5
Evil: ???/5

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