My Hero Achademia OC 2 - Censer

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Name: Jimmu "Jimmy" Anderson
Villain Name: Foxfire Villain - Censer
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Jimmu is tall, and very lanky, a gaunt face and having the appearance of a scarecrow, his skin is extremely pale, his eyes a cold green and he keeps his white blonde hair down to his shoulders, very much to contrast his brother's own appearance. In civilian clothes he always dressing in high-end designer clothing caring more for cost than anything else but carries a distinct smell of smoke and ash to him that never seems to leave.
Sexuality: Straight (though borderline Asexual)
Role: Villain
Personality: In contrast to his brother, whose emotional state changes like the wind, Jimmu always tried to maintain a sense of calm about him as a child. Much like his brother as a child, Jimmy idolized Heroes and wanted to becomes one in order to help people in need. After their abduction, he held out that their situation would improve and that they would be rescued, but days turned to weeks and then to months, eventually giving to his despair, making him easy prey for All For One's manipulations much like Tomura. Censer as a result tried to make a mask to hide his flaws. Attempting to be callous, mocking and cynical, trying seeing all heroes as fakes since in his eyes if they were so determined to help people where were they when he needed one? In combat he lets his anger boils over he can become wild and almost feral in a fight, lashing out at anything he sees, he displays both a terrifying ruthlessness and unfettered sadism, wanting to end a target as quickly as possible but making them suffer as much at the same time.

Despite this attempt at trying to be in his words "A card carrying villain" and trying to erase any thought that he might be redeemable, beneath his mask he is just a broken and sad man twisted to fight for a cause he doesn't believe in because it's all he has left. Even his hatred of his brother is only superficial and he expresses of confusion of Maine's ability to seemingly move past their shared trauma.
Likes: Everything going to plan, reading, luxury strong opponents, "breaking" heros mentally, expensive wine and food.
Dislikes: Sanctimonious-types, annoyances, stubborn opponents, getting dirty, being beaten, being denied what he thinks is his, his brother, people who target/abuse children.
* Grant and Eto Anderson (Mother & Father, Status: Deceased)
* Harvie "Maine" Anderson (Twin Brother, Status: Alive)
* Samuel "Patriot Sam" Anderson (Paternal Uncle, Status: Alive)
* Hatori "Reisan" Kaze (Maternal Uncle, Status: Alive)
Crush: Himiko Toga, though she is still obsessed with Deku, Censer is one of the few who she doesn't harbor thoughts of murderous intent against.
Rival(s): His brother, Harvie/Maine.
Backstory: Jimmu Anderson, much like his brother, was raised in wealth and unlike his brother, who was happy with the simple things in life, Jimmu loved indulging in all the things money could buy. Developing a very content which was always at odds with his brother's more adventurous attitude.  The two would regularly come to blows on a multitude of occasions, but there parents would always prevent things from going too far.

When they were kidnapped and experimented on, Jimmu was the first to break, giving into the despair that they were as good as dead while his brother held out hope that they would be rescued. Ironically this breakdown allowed their captor, the Scientist-Villain, Genesis, and her benefactor All For One to form Jimmu into the villain he is now, thought Jimmu claims that Genesis merely just opened up a darkness already dwelling within his heart and gave him the means to act on it.

Taken in by All For One's organisation, Jimmu was trained and disciplined until he became an agent for the villain's will, discarding his old name and taking up the name Censur as his newest agent/Villain. Censur became something of like Kurogiri was for Shirigaki, subservient to him but ultimately taking orders from All For One should the needs arise, his work for the League of Villains is usually as a intelligence gathered and observer. When he must fight, Jimmy relies primarily on the overwhelming force of his quirk, utilizing it in such complex ways that it can easily overwhelm even seasoned Heroes.

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