My Hero Academia OC 6 - Genesis

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Name: Chinō, Kōtai
Villain Name: The Devil's Geneticist/The Modern Mengele - Genesis
Gender: Female
Age: 49
Appearance: Kōtai's appearance, thanks to her frequent tinkering with her own genetic structure as well as her access to the cutting edge of medical technology, has her have the appearance of a beautiful (some would say androgynous) looking young woman in her early twenties, with pale skin, cold blue eyes and rather unkept black hair which she hides one of her eyes behind. Dressed in a immaculate white lab-coat with a black dress shirt and a vibrant red clip-on tie which she added as a "splash of color", her thin long fingered hands usually covers by a pair of surgical gloves more often than not stained with blood.

However, beneath this unassuming appearance, Chinō has used her quirk to modify herself to something beyond human, manipulating her bodies genetic code to give herself the best of the best. Inhuman strength, super-charged immune system, a regenerative healing factor that can regrow lost limbs, even things straight out of science fiction like blood that is a highly corrosive acid and a highly durable flesh-colored exoskeleton instead of normal human skin.
Sexuality: ???
Role: Villain
Personality: The best way to describe Genesis is a mixture of supreme arrogance, genius intellect, callous and pragmatic cunning carefully hidden behind a veneer of motherly kindness and faux-compassion. She claims she wants nothing more than to "help" the "misguided & simple" masses and to save them from their worst enemies, themselves. She has a god complex that can only be described at best as raging and uncontrollable, and her ultimate goal is to remove individualism and self-consciousness at the genetic level for most of the race, sans a group of  "genetically perfected rulers" in order to bring it to the so-called "Next Step of Evolution". Often comparing the human race to a garden of flowers and her as a gardener, wanting to pluck and remove away all the "wreak, useless and unsightly" problems to make sure the garden grows strong and beautiful.
Likes: Experimenting, breakthroughs, test subjects, freshly cleaned and sharpened surgical tools, subjects  who do not cause trouble, success, gardening, being praised, being praised by All For One, Darwinian and Lamarckism Philosophy.
Dislikes: "Strugglers" (stubborn and unbreakable test-subjects), weakness of any kind (or traits she perceives as such) failure, hero's meddling in her affairs, when her "toys" get broken.
Family: ???
Crush: All For One
"Friends": All For One (true loyalty), Golem, Doctor/"Daruma Ujiko", League of Villains
Rival(s): Maine and Censer (unofficial)
Backstory: From what authorities can gleam now from this shadowy and elusive scientist is few and far between, but her past thankfully is more concrete. Born to an upper class family in the Yamato province in Japan, Genesis, then going by her birth name of Kōtai was the first and only daughter of Yorimatsu and Suki Chinō, two highly influential socialites with major connections to various international charities, her privileged upbringing and allowed the child prodigy Kōtai to study at the best schools in Japan. Eventually graduating summa cum laude from the University of Kyoto with three doctorates in Genetics, Medicine and Surgery, as well as a PHD in Philosophy at only 21, only "taking so long" because she helped run her parent's charity services.

Having to always be the smartest out of everyone she had met, and coupled with her parent's ceaseless want to help other accidentally forged the belief in her that the human race is composed of many self-destructive monkeys who need a smart and controlling leader to keep them all form just killing themselves en made. An because of this warped thinking and her "obviously superior intellect", Kōtai knew she was beyond the likes of such instinctual driven animals that dared called themselves human.

It was around this time that she met All For One...

Recruited because of her peerless expertise in her field, Genesis at first fallowed the Symbol of Evil out of fear than out of an awe-inspired respect and maybe something more after witnessing his power. He was everything that she believed was what was needed in this world, a single leader with the power and charisma needed to keep this chaotic world in line.

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