My Hero Academia OC 8 - Ryoko

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Name: Ryokō Shishio
Ex-Hero Name: Ninja Hero: Hannya
Vigilante Name: Masked Terror: Oni
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Shishio is tall and a well-built young man, a roguishly handsome face with scruffy rust red hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes. Though his lifestyle as a vigilante has left him with a fair share of marks; a broken nose, scars, a split lip and bruises from past brawls and scuffs. His "work clothes" consist of a faded and beaten up white racing suit with red highlights under a black leather jacket emblazoned with an Oni mask. Heavy duty knee, elbow and wrist pads, a pair of worn steel-toed biker boots, a dark red scarf and his signature red and white hannya mask to hide his identity. With his weapon of choice a baton about the size of a sword, attached to his belt hanging off his side.

When not at work he dresses very casually with a white shirt and jeans, maybe throwing in a coat if it is cold out.
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Anti-Hero Vigilante, part time thief
Personality: Having his dreams crushed and being ostracized for the sins of his father, Shishio became bitter, cynical and all around misanthrope. He keeps a facade of an arrogant, snarky and overall callous criminal, like a gangster who thinks he can take in the world. However he secretly laments his choices in life and wonders what would have happened if his life hadn't been torn apart by others. Despite his changes, he still holds a soft spot for his friends and will usually flee upon seeing them as being in their presence does nothing but dredge up bittersweet memories and the want of a life he thinks he can never have.

Likes: Good food and fine sake, cute girls (Nejirie Hado), gambling, kabuki and noh theatre, beating up delinquents and criminals.
Dislikes: The Media, police, those who take simple things too seriously, his dad's ex-Yakuza gang, the yakuza in general, people being blamed for something they didn't do.
Family: "Boss" Shishio (Father, Deceased), Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Crush: Nejire Hado
Friends: None (Formerly friends with the Big Three)
Rival(s): Nejire Hado
Backstory: Ryokō spent most of his childhood sheltered and away from the world, thinking his father was an honest man who never wronged anyone in his life. When the Police came and took his father away away in handcuffs, that started his long path to where he is now. With no other living relatives, Ryokō was put into foster care at the age of eight, being sent from family to family constantly as he never found any of them liking him, only his want to become a hero kept him going, as he put his head to the grind stone in an effort to prove himself. Eventually being accepted to UA for his determined work ethic and impeccable use of his quirk. Things seemed to be going well for him, even making some friends in the form of the Mirio, Tamaki and Hado during his first year.

That is until his father was released from prison for medical reasons in his second year, and the media sensation that had ensued unknowingly would be the downfall and slow spiraling death of his dream. A nosey reporter desperate for a story dug up his family connections, and before he knew it "The UA Yakuza Student." became plastered on every tabloid and talking head in Japan. His face was on every news cycle in the region. Being ostracized in school and eventually the media sensation caused Principal Nezu to cave to the pressure and (with a heavy heart) forced Shishio to be expelled from UA.

With his dream in tatters, his friends too busy to comfort him and now where else to go, when Shishio turned seventeen he was forced onto the streets and left to fend for himself. A group of thugs tried to rob him...key word being tried. After letting lose on them he felt as if he found his calling.

Now he spends his days causing terror for the various criminals, motorbike gangs and delinquents in the shady parts of town, beating them up and robbing them blind, ironically enough this has endeared him to the everyday folk in the areas he watches over and he is something of a local hero despite all the trouble he caused as a vigilante.

- Quirk -
Name: Blink
Type: Mutated Emitter
Power: Allows the user to instantly teleport themselves any any object they are touching to any point they can see instantaneously.
Advantages: His quirk allows him to take on multiple opponents at once by radially shifting and landing blows from unexpected angles before shifting somewhere else before they can respond in turn. He can shift past materials such as bars, glass and force fields, as long as he can clearly see the other side. He can teleport between places so rapidly that he creates an afterimage.
Disadvantages: His blinks are heavily dependent on his vitality and the more he uses in quick succession the weaker he becomes. The larger an object he transports the more energy it takes out of him. He requires a line of sight in order to teleport, so he relies heavily on his sight in a fight.
* Shishio's weapon of choice is based on a jutte, a type of Japanese baton-like sword that was made in the Edo-Period for guards and police as it was considered illegal to draw a sword in the presence of the Shogun.
* If Howa is Batman, than Shishio is the Red Hood.
* Shishio's Choice of a hannya mask has a symbolic meaning to it. The Hannya mask in Japanese Noh theatre portrays the souls of someone who have become demons due to obsession, hatred or jealousy. The mask appears to be demonic and dangerous but also sorrowful and tormented. For example when the actor looks straight ahead while wearing a Hannya mask, the mask appears frightening and angry; when tilted slightly down, the face of the demon appears to be sorrowful, as though crying.

- Stats -
Power: 1/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 6/5
Intellect: 4/5
Cooperativeness: 1/5

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