Chapter 4

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    Elora and Dexter are walking towards Groundsvill in hopes of mapping out the forrest that resides near it. This will take them about a week or two but they plan to finish there job no matter what.

"Hey Dexter, how much longer until we get to Groundsvill from here? My feet are starting to hurt and I need a bed or something to rest in."

"We just started so I would say about one or two days until we get there. Plus once we get there, we are going to be doing a lot more walking then we are now."

"All right, all right I get it, we are going to be walking a lot. I wonder what the forrest will look like though?"

"I haven't been to Groundsvill since I was really young but its a town full of ground, rock, steal, and even grass type pokèmon. Its a cool looking town, but not really the cleanest ever. You probably wouldn't want to stay in an inn there. You might wake up with dirt stuck in your ears or something."

So Elora and Dexter keep walking until they notice a strange looking pokèmon off in the distance. The pokèmon almost looks like it is in need of help. Without saying anything, Dexter rushes off to the pokèmon in hopes of helping it out.

"Hey there whats your na..."

But before dexter could finish the pokèmon whips around and jumps toward Dexter. Its a pokèmon that is a purplish-grey with a wide open mouth and two sharp fangs on the top and two on the bottom of its mouth. This pokèmon also has a sharp horn on the top of its head. When it finally got close enough to Dexter, it took his appearance and started transforming into him, but its face stayed the same, having its small lifeless eyes and its gapping wide mouth with its four fangs still stay the same.

"Gah! Not again!"

The beast lunges toward Dexter with a quick attack, and Dexter tries to counter it with a low kick to its legs but he missed and got tackled by it instead. Elora runs up to help Dexter by using pound. Elora doesn't know how to use pokèmon moves at all, but pound is pretty easy to figure out. Elora then pushes the beast off of Dexter and begins to use pound again. Dexter also gets back to his feet and paralyzes it with a thunder shock.  The strange pokèmon falls to the ground and reverts back to its weird grey blobby self.

"What was that!? Why are they here, and why do they keep attacking me!"

"Dexter, I don't think there just after you, I think there might be a problem that no one else knows about."

"What ever it is, hopefully it wont be to big of a problem, we need to get to our job. Maybe they are the reason why pokèmon are disappearing in that forrest! Gosh I don't want to think about that, but what if it is true! Will we go missing as well!"

"Relax will you, we will be fine, we just need to stay calm and keep walking, I am sure we will be all right."

"Ya I guess you are right, its just scary to think about you know."

"I hear you but that can't stop us from doing this important mission can it!"

"No so lets keep going. Oh man thanks for that confidence booster."

"No problem, this will be a cake walk, and once we are done, Broderick will surly be impressed with our mapping skills!"

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I can't really draw very well, so this might take even longer."

"Don't worry I am sure you will do fine!"

A few hours or so go by and the sun once again starts to set and Dexter and Elora look for a place to camp out, and they find a nice flat and open grassy plain.

"This is where we will set up camp! Its perfect!" said Dexter

"It sure is, but do we even have camping supplies?"

"Eh well I forgot to grab some, uh well I could just get some logs and maybe I could use a fire punch on them and light them on fire! I will be right back!"

Dexter then rushes off to find some logs, while Elora is sitting by herself. While there, she heres a feint scream. This scream did not come from Dexters direction, nor did it sound like him. It sounded like a little kid screaming! Elora then gets up and rushes toward it in instinct and with no hesitation.  

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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