Chapter 3.

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After the night had gone by so rapidly because of the scare Elora had, the two of them made it all the way back to the guild in one piece. Once the two of them got to the guild, Dexter started yelling the guild masters name, "Broderick! Where here in the morning like you asked!"

Broderick walking out of his office now says, "Stop with the yelling! I am not that far away! You could, oh I don't know, ask a pokèmon where I am! Start doing that for now on ok!"

Elora then speaks up and says, "Where sorry, but what is our job for today anyways?"

"Oh right, your job...Well you and Dexter will be going to the north-east part of the region, and map out this specific part of it right here. Once you do that, report back to me and we will talk about your next assignment, but in the mean time, this mission might take a few days, so get your supplies ready and head out."

"Why are we mapping this area? Isn't it already on the map?" Said Dexter

"Well yes and no, its been years since we explored there, so we don't know what it is like. That is why we need you two to go and check it out. You see, we have been hearing rumors about this area, and how it holds dangerous creatures that will hunt you down and eat you for breakfast...But that is only a rumor after all. Now before you go,I would like to get the name of your team?"

"Our team?" Said Dexter.

"Yes your team, when two or more pokèmon journey together, they form a team, and well you both are journeying together so that makes you a team. So what would it be called then?"

Elora speaks  up and announces, "We should call it Team Minute!"

"Why team Minute? What does that even mean?" Said Dexter.

"Well I was thinking, we would name ourself Team Minute because when ever we are needed, we will be there in a minutes notice."

"Ya sure that name works, I was drawing a blank but you just so happened to come up with a team name super fast, and have an explanation almost immediately! I am just impressed!"

"Then it is settled, your new exploration team will by this day forward be known as Team Minute! Please sign your name here and here and you both will be all set for your first adventure!"

"I can't believe this is happening! All we are doing is mapping out a pice of land, but this seems way cooler then I thought at first!"

"Wait if this is all forrest, then how are we going to map this without flying?" Exclaimed Elora.

"You see, we just need you to map the inside of the forrest. No flying type pokèmon will reliably get the most accurate map from the ground, so thats why we need you. There is a town called Groundsvill and it is right on the border of where you will need to start mapping. It will be about a five day walk there, and it will take you about three days to a week to finish the map. So the quickest you will probably get done and back would be about thirteen days. Are you prepared to be gone for that long?"

"More then ever sir!"

"Sir? Its not like you are a rescue team, you both are just exploring and thats it, so drop the sir act, just call me Broderick!"

"Ok sure I can do that."

"Excellent, now go to the supplies center in the guild and pick up all the gear you will need. New guild members get there first gear for free, so don't wast it!"

"We wont don't worry, we will get the best gear for this job, wont we Elora?"

"Huh, oh ya we will."

So Elora and Dexter walk out of the guild masters office and walk to the supplies counter where they see a Weavile running the back counter. As they walk up he hunches over placing his right forearm onto the countertop and proceeds to ask with a grin, "What can I get you two? Your new aren't-cha? So help yourself to what ever you need, and next time it will cost you some Pokè of course."

"Pokè?" Said Elora

"You know, cash! Ever heard of it? Its the only way you can get anything of use these days! Without any Pokè, you would be sleeping outside in the cold and scrounging for food! Nobody wants to be that Pokèmon who is always begging for money from passerby's! Now then, pick whatever you need and head out, there is money to be made and I'm not getting any from you!"

"I'll take the cleans tag and that satchel. If you could, would you hook it onto the side of the satchel too? Thanks. Also can I get the expert belt and five escape ropes please?" Said Dexter.

"Sure and what can I get you?"

"Me?! Um can I get that purple rock neckless?"

"You want the Eviolite neckless? This neckless raises a pokèmons defense against anything as long as they can still evolve."

"Oh I just liked how it looked but sure, and can I get that red scarf too and that backpack as well."

"Sure thing. Is that all for you too?"

"Oh we need some food! Can I get six Oran berries and ten apples, and two mini donuts please!" Said dexter.

"Sure here you go. Now head out to the front gate and tell the pokèmon there who is guarding it that you are heading out! Oh and before I forget, here is you paper and pencils! Good luck explorers!"

"Thanks, what was your name?" said Elora.

"Huh, oh no one every wanted to know, well its Buck!"

And so, our hero's head to the front of the guild where the exit is and they great the pokèmon guarding it. Then they head off while the morning is still young! Right now they are heading North-East and to danger!

The world they live in.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon