Chapter 2.

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 Elora and Dexter are heading straight to the nearest town so that they can find some where to rest. They walk for about 5 miles until they find a town called Torilybe. This town is bustling with all sorts of different Pokémon walking around.

"This place is massive!" Said Elora.

"This is one of the bigger towns in this region. I am not the biggest fan of heavily populated towns, but we don't have a choice."

"Why is that?"

"Its nothing lets just head to the inn and rest. We got to get up early tomorrow and we can't be late!"

So Elora and Dexter walk into the inn, and as they do so, Elora notices a weird looking Pokémon. It looks like a Pokémon from another world.

"Hey Dexter, what type of Pokémon is that?"

"Don't stare, thats a Beheyeem, and the last of its kind. No one knows where they originated, but they just appeared one day. Then one day a mass extinction occurred with the Beheyeems and thats the only one left. Her name is Vonnie and she is the most ruthless bounty hunter to ever exist! We don't want to mess with her."

"What makes her so ruthless any ways?"  

"She will stop at nothing when it comes to completing her mission! If something or someone gets in her way, she will make sure it is gone! No one knows why she is like that, the Beheyeems where nice Pokémon, but she is different."


After a few minutes pass, the two of them get there room keys and head to sleep. As the moon hits its peak in the night sky, Elora wakes up to a weird noise down stairs. She gets up and goes down to investigate it. As she is walking, she sees Vonnie attacking another Pokémon. The Pokémon she is attacking looks pretty strong to. 

"Do you know anything about a weird Pokémon coming through here!?" Yelled Vonnie.

"No ma'am I-I don't have any recollection of a strange Pokémon coming through here! W-what did it look like?" Said the inn keeper.

"A Pokémon that lost its memories and is not from this world, a Pokémon that would stand out as acting weird, maybe even a little bit creepy? Does that come to mind?"

"W-well you can check the r-rooms ma'am, i-if you w-would like."

At hearing that , Elora rushes up to Dexter and wakes him up. Elora then tells Dexter, "something is wrong, we need to go! Vonnie is looking for someone and it might be me, I don't know why, but it just might, so we need to go!"

"Wo wo wo wo! What the hell does that mean? I am just trying to sleep. Are you sure it was not a dream or something?"

"No trust me I would know. She was interrogating the inn keeper and is now starting to check the rooms!"

"Well how will we get out any ways. The only exit is down stairs where she supposedly is. Just go back to sleep."

"The window, we can go out the window." 

And as soon as she finished, she leaped out the window of the second floor of the inn.

"Whoah are you crazy...WAIT! COME BACK!" 

At that, Dexter followed Elora out the window. 

"I can't believe I am doing this!" 

Dexter soon catches up with Elora and says,

"Are you out of your damn mind! You could have gotten seriously injured or even died from that hight! Plus, why are you so paranoid!"

"The Pokémon she was describing to the inn keeper was me! I could not take the chance of getting caught because I have a bounty on me. I don't even know why I have one in the first place!"

"Well we might as well head back to the guild, doesn't hurt to be this early."

So Elora and Dexter run through the town not even looking back... well Elora doesn't at least. Back at the inn however, Vonnie is starting to look through all of the rooms and notices two rooms are empty.

"You said an Elekid and a Treecko where in both of these rooms! Where are they!"

"I-I don't know, They must have jumped out of the window or something!"

"You better not be hiding them!"

So Vonnie leaves the inn and continues with here search for the one that can save the world.

"When I find that Pokémon, I will end its life and make sure it never breathes again! This is my final bounty, and I will make sure it is finished!"


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