Chapter 22 ( gone over)

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Chapter 22

Erica's POV

I wanted to cower away and run. I felt terrified to be in his presence. The power I felt from him in my dream was nothing compared to what I could feel at this moment. It was overwhelming.

He was tall and very muscular; far more than Daniel. He looked ready to strike and kill like a king cobra snake. He had similar features to Daniel, but there was one feature he lacked; Daniel's compassion and love.

Dillion looked incapable of love. His features were hard and his eyes were as cold as black ice. He looked stronger than Daniel, which made me worry if Daniel could even take him down.

"Are you done comparing me to my son?" Dillion said with a bored tone. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a tree.

I stayed silent, unsure of what to even say. He began smirking at me while his eyes lit up with a dark glint.

"Amazing, the last royal legion is speechless in front of me. Your father would be disappointed in you for keeping your thoughts to yourself. He made sure I heard his last words, before I ripped out his throat." Dillion said as he pushed himself off the tree and began walking towards me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, clenching my teeth together.

He's trying to get under our skin...

Don't let him!

"If only I knew him, then maybe your words would have more of an affect." I said as I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. "Too bad it doesn't affect me like you're hoping." I knew it was a weak comeback, but I didn't want to seem weak for not having anything to say back.

"Oh Erica you know little about your race." Dillion said as he shook his head. "Your legion feels the meaning of the words more than your human side, but I assume that would be normal, considering your half breed human mother would have passed more of her genetics to you than your father. Which is a pity."

"Your attempts are pathetic, Dillion. Now what do you want? Or should I continue playing your little guessing game as to why you're waiting to get what you want?" I said, feeling my legion rise to the surface.

This time I knew the feeling, unlike the first time she took over. Her anger was clouding my mind and she wanted to take control, but I was holding her back.

"Well, let's see here. We could go multiple ways, but my favorite way is breaking you down in every way possible." He grins as he begins to circle around me. "The tedious, meticulous, and calculated ways end up being the best way to kill someone. Taking the ones they love, their people, and then those they care most like Samantha."

The moment he finished speaking, he lunged at me, but not before I lost control over my legion. In one swift moment, my wings were out and I grabbed Dillion's arm and pushed him away from me into a near by tree. He had threatened Sam's life. She was far too young to have to die and I'll be damned if I let him kill her without so much of a fight.

He looked taken back, but recovered quickly and began laughing.

"I told you I know more about you than you do." He said as he began coughing. He grabbed onto his side and I knew I had caused him pain. He nodded his head and the men let go of Sam. The moment she was let go she shifted and took off.

"We'll see about that." I said angrily.

I smirked at him, before taking off into the sky. I had to get to Daniel. I had to warn him and tell him his father was here sooner than he expected. I knew Sam would run and find a safe place to hide. But I wasn't sure if that would be enough, considering how much control he had over her when he wasn't in sight the first time.

As soon as Daniel's house came into view, I ran to the door and called for him.

"Daniel?! Daniel!" I shouted as I desperately searched the living room and kitchen, before heading up to the bedroom.

I didn't even need to reach the doorway to know something was wrong. I could see the evidence from the top of the stairs.

Daniel's coffee cup that he always drank from was shattered and the liquid laid spilt everywhere on the floor.

I tipped toed to the bedroom where I froze completely. I couldn't tear my eyes or move me feet to get away from the scene in the bedroom.

Blood sprayed everywhere on the walls and floor, the furniture and curtains. There wasn't one spot that didn't have a spec of blood. The room had been completely destroyed. The mattress was on the opposite side of the room from where it normally was supposed to be, the bed frame was broken, the mirror and windows were all shattered or cracked, and the walls had holes of where claws and bodies hit.

The possibility of someone surviving from all that was minimal. There was too much blood for someone to survive a beating from.

I dropped down to my knees feeling hopeless that Daniel would have survived. Even as strong as he was, there's no way he would have been able to kill his attackers and get the medical help he would need afterwards.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as it hit me hard that I had lost Daniel. The one that made me feel part of something important. The one who is supposed to love me till we die and now I'd never be able to experience growing old with someone I loved. I never knew what it was like to be in love, until it was gone.

I choked out a sob, before I carefully stepped inside the bedroom. I scanned the room, looking for any signs or possibility of someone to surviving through this.

"Oh, Daniel." I whispered as memories of when he first made love to me or when he first met me floated to the forefront of my mind. A faint sad smile graced my lips, before reality came back.

Suddenly, I heard something move and then a person moaning in pain behind the mattress on the other side of the room. I dashed over and ripped the mattress away in a desperate attempt to save Daniel.

"Daniel!" I said before my eyes landed on the last person to cross my mind. "Jason?" I whispered before scanning over him to access his injuries.

He had blood stains along with a gash across his chest that was still bleeding. I quickly ripped part of the ruined curtians and pressed it to his chest to slow down the bleeding.

"Jason, what happened? Where is Daniel?" I asked as I checked the rest of his body. He had smaller cuts, but nothing as severe as the one on his chest. It looked like his leg had been broken and was swollen as well.

"W-we didn't see it coming." He started to say before he started to cough up blood. "They came out of no where."

His eyes were barely open and his skin was beginning to look a pale white.

"Don't worry about it. We'll do something about it after I help get you all fixed up." I said. "But I need to know something first, where's the pack doctor?"

Jason's eyes shot open as he grabbed my arm. I looked at him wearily, before he shook his head.

"Don't trust anyone." He said before his eyes rolled back and his grip on my arm loosened.

I quickly checked to make sure he had a pulse before completely panicing. He had a weak pulse and I wasn't sure how much longer he was going to make it without a doctor.

I didn't know what to do. He told me not to trust anyone, yet I needed someone to help him and me as well. I didn't know the pack well enough, nor did I know anyone other than a few handful of people, but even then I wasn't sure if I could trust the few I knew.

I couldn't lose Jason, not after he told me not to trust anyone in the pack, but there was only one other person I could trust or at least somewhat trust him.


Author's Note:

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