Chapter 24 ( gone over )

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Chapter 24

Erica's POV

"I'll tell you what happen to Daniel, but only to you." Jason said as he glared at Ian.

"In your dreams, puppy." Ian said as he got up and stood in front of Jason. "Whatever you say to her, I can hear as well."

"So you can go and kill him? Yeah right, I'm not trusting a vile creature like yourself." Jason said as he spat at Ian's face.

I could tell Jason was angering Ian because the weather was beginning to turn sour outside the hotel window.

"I'll show you what a vile creature is-" Ian said as he lunged at Jason just as Jason ripped one of the restraints.

"No!" I yelled as I shoved Ian to the other side of the room and turned to push Jason back down. I heard Ian make impact with the wall along with one of the few furniture pieces. Jason began to struggle with me, but as soon as I flashed my eyes he seemed to stop struggling.

"Damn, Erica." Ian said as he slowly walked back over, clutching his side. "Why do you gotta use all of your strength."

"Why must you keep antagonizing him!" I shouted at him causing his eyes to widened at how angry I was.

"Erica?" Ian asked as he slowly approached me. "You need to calm down and breathe."

"I can't." I huffed out, trying to catch my breath, but failing. "Ian I can't calm down not when Daniel is god knows where, and you two are bickering over something that happened ages ago. I don't want to lose Daniel, he's my mate and I need him safe."

I was shaking so bad, I hadn't even realized that my wings had come out or that my legion was pushing to come through me until it was too late.

"Now, help me get my mate, your alpha and your ruler back." My legion said, although she sounded so broken and dead, even though it was my voice. "I know our kinds don't get along, but please I beg you to put it aside and help me get to my mate before it's too late."

By now I was on my knees with tears streaming down my face. Jason looked to Ian, before undoing his restraint and kneeling down next to me as did Ian.

"You have my allegiance." They both said simultaneously as they bowed their heads as a sign of submission and loyalty.

I felt myself finally breathe and feel a little relief. "Now please tell me what happened to Daniel. I just need to know that he's alive." I whispered feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

Ian and Jason helped me onto the bed, before Jason told me what happened.

"Me and Daniel were in the kitchen getting some more coffee to help us stay awake and have the energy to keep going on with what we were going over. I had asked Daniel how he was doing with everything since he was going to stand up to his father, which is a big deal. You see Dillion made Daniel learn to fear him back when I was seven and he was six. Dillion ran the pack through fear. No one could or would ever deny Dillion's orders; and the very few that did were always excuted in front of the whole pack,including the women and childern. The worst part of all was that when Daniel was twelve, Dillion made him kill a pack member. Daniel never was the same after that. He was forced to kill an innocent child. No older than eight. Daniel was pushed to his limits time and time again, and Dillion seemed to enjoy watching his own son suffer through the pain."

"Daniel told me he was fine and that he was going to go change his clothes and shower. He told me to do the same thing, and so I left." Jason paused before running his hands through his hair. "I swear I was only gone for fifteen minutes. When I came back, the house was way too quiet and my wolf was unsettled. I could smell that something was off. I quietly went up the stairs and stopped when I saw Daniel's coffee cup shattered on the hallway floor. I quickly made my way to his bedroom and saw Daniel unconscious and still in his towel. There were five guys there and they were picking him up, and that's when I lost all control and my wolf took over. I don't even remember much after that. I'm sorry I don't know anything more." Jason finished as guilt covered his features.

I felt my own sadness come over me, knowing that I still didn't know if he was alive or not.

He is you just have to believe he still is.

"Don't be sorry, you did what you could do. You should be proud that you fought and still survived." Ian said causing a small smile to grace my lips. At least he was being polite to him.

"You know Dillion more than I do, where would he go or keep someone as prisoner?" I asked as I stood up and began cleaning up the mess and packing anything useful into Ian's duffle bag.

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" Ian demanded as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I honestly have no idea where he'd go and keep Daniel. I'm sorry Erica." Jason said as he watched me carefully. "What are you doing?"

"We need to get back to the pack territory and try to find him, before it's too late." I said feeling panicked. All I could picture was finding Daniel too late and finding his beaten bloodied body on the cold ground. The image alone was making me feel sick and before I knew it I was running into the bathroom vomiting the last meal I had.

"Erica, as much as you want to leave now and find him you can't. Not in the condition you're in." Jason said as he held back my hair.

"Erica, we should get the rest of the legions to help us find him. I'm confident they will help work along side with the werewolves. If I can be in the same room as one and not kill him, then they will be able to as well." Ian said with a small grin on his face.

I sighed in defeat knowing that I couldn't go against both and still have the strength to find Daniel. "Okay, lets go get the rest of the legions on board."

Jason wasn't too thrilled in going to a place full of legions, especially when they all wanted nothing more than to kill werewolves. Ian seemed to enjoy Jason's agony, while I tried to convince him that they wouldn't hurt him and that I would protect him.

"Come now Erica, if the little pup is afraid of our beauty then let him stay hidden." Ian said causing Jason to growl at him.

"I'm not afraid of some stupid birds who don't know how to repopulate their own kind." Jason barked back causing Ian to squeeze the steering wheel tighter. I knew as did Jason that the comment got to Ian. It was rare for a legion to find a mate and have kids. Most of the time either the mate of a legion was killed before they could completely mate.

After that, we drove in silence. Ian had called and had a few of the legions gather the others into a loft just outside of the city we were in. It was an awakward silence until Jason broke it.

"So how is this going to go down?" He started to say as Ian parked the car. "Am I going in right behind you or are you guys going to call me when it's good for me to come up?"

"Just get out of my damn car, before you stink it up and make it smell like a wet dog." Ian said rudely.

I placed my hand on Ian's arm to get his attention. "I know his last comment got under your skin, but please I need you and him to both get along otherwise this will never work with the others."

I felt Ian sigh before he kissed the side of my head. "I liked it back when I was in charge of you and not you over me. I can tell Daniel's role is rubbing off on you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, completely confused by what he meant of that.

"He's a leader just like you. You would never have learned what you have by me, especially if you were to rule over the other legions with the skills you had when you were with me those first few years." Ian said as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders.

"Alright, let's get this over with. It ain't getting any better the longer we take." Jason said as he walked ahead of Ian and I. I shook my head as I prepared myself for what was to come.

Author's Note:

What do you all think about it right now?

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