Chapter 16 (gone over)

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Chapter sixteen

Erica's POV

It's been a whole week, since Daniel chained me. But the worst part of the whole ordeal is that he's been avoiding me every day. Each day killing a part of me. The first three days were hard because he'd only come into the room to grab some clothes, shower, and then leave without even giving me a glance. After the three days, he stopped coming into the room altogether.

I became angry and broke a lamp and vase, before pulling on the chain to break it. I felt like a prisoner and I didn't want to feel like one anymore. I was becoming restless and needed out. Sam nor Jason had come to see me, not that I expected them to come after I had just vanished.

I felt trapped. My anger only hid the real hurt I had. The truth is that I felt truly alone, even though I had a mate. It felt like he had rejected me by avoiding and ignoring me. That really hit a nerve in me and although I hid it with my anger, I knew it was only a matter of time before I broke down crying.

My legion was wounded by her own kind rejecting her and when Daniel left us alone it just killed her as well as me. I thought that being mates he would have forgiven me already, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

By the time Sam came around and tried talking to me, I was already dead inside. My legion had gone silent and I felt numb. Sam tried getting me to eat, but I couldn't eat more than a bite or two.

When the seventh day came around, Sam had brought Jason in with her.

"Hey, Erica." Sam greeted me as I laid in bed still. Jason had a dinner tray with him.

"Erica." Jason said, his voice holding sadness as he bowed his head.

I stayed silent, not wanting to talk to them at the moment.

"Erica, you've got to eat. If you don't you could get sick." Sam said with worry in her voice.

Sam and Jason were standing in front of me now. Sam looked me over as a pained expression crossed her face.

"Erica, don't you see what you're doing to yourself? You're starving yourself and you're becoming weak." Sam said as she brushed my hair away from my face. "You're getting paler and you've got about a dozen blankets on you."

I closed my eyes, willing my tears away.

"I'm fine, Sam. You don't need to bother yourself with me." I said, my voice cracking.

"Look Erica, I know you're hurt. Hell the whole pack feels your hurt and pain as well as Daniel's pain. Daniel can be an assshole at times, but he's your mate. He still cares about you. When you left him, he was a wreck. He had the whole pack searching for you. He couldn't even sleep, let alone eat. He couldn't even call on other packs to see if they had seen you." Jason said with frustration and concern. "He will forgive you, but it's just going to take some time."

"Some time?!" I asked angrily. "He locked me up for seven days and has since then not talked to me, looked at me, or even come in to see me! And you say I need to give him time." I snorted at the end, feeling all of my anger bubble to the surface.

"I'm sorry Erica, but Daniel isn't an easy guy to get over something like what you did so easily." Jason said calmly. "Put yourself in his shoes."

I sat up and looked at the two, but couldn't bring myself to do anything. To even say anything to what Jason had said. Jason was right. If Daniel had done that to me, I don't know if I would ever recover from it. I needed to make things right between us, before it's too late. Images of Daniel leaving me before things were made right made me ache to see him.

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