Chapter 10 (gone over)

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*who I picture as Sam*

Chapter ten

Erica's P.O.V.

I had no idea how long I was out, other than long enough for me to be moved back to my cell and get a chain on my right wrist. There was a better bed and blankets, though, and for that I was quite happy because my back was sore.

My wings were still out. I had no idea how to put them away, but I had a feeling that they would go back in when my legion comes around. I could barely feel my legion inside of me and I wasn't sure if that meant something was wrong.

I was pacing around in my cell now, after trying the first two hours after I woke up to break the chain. My wrist was sore and had red marks now. I gave up and decide to start thinking about everything.

Why would my mate keep me locked up? Did he think I would try to leave? Was he scared of me? The last question I knew the answer to, before I even suggested it. No, he wasn't he was an alpha who stood tall and fierce. He would never be scared of a legion.

Yet why was I still locked up?

I couldn't get that question out of my head. I played the different scenarios to answers to that question as to why he still locked me up.

I laid down on the bed, feeling sleepy again, so I closed my eyes trying to regain my energy I lost during the transformation.

I woke up and to my surprise my wings had retracted. It felt nice to be back to myself again. I looked around to see if anything had changed, but nothing had. I was still in a cell and as far as I could tell, I was the only one in this section of the prison. The only thing different was that I could feel my legion more than last time.

I heard the faint steps of someone coming and I quickly sat up in the bed. The footsteps were too light to be a man, so I figured it could either be Casey wanting to kill me or someone bringing me some food because I sure as hell was hungry.

"Sam?" I said as I saw her stand a few feet away from my cell. "What's wrong?" I stood up and got to the edge of my cell.

She looked terrible like she hadn't slept for a few days and had spent those few days crying.

She looked at me, almost like she was studying me. Looking for answers on the outside.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. For some reason I felt very protective for her. From the moment we met, I felt a connection with her. She was different than the others.

She nodded her head and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself. Like she was debating if she should talk to me.

"Wh-why didn't you tell me?" She asked sounding completely hurt and broken. Her eyes were rimmed with red and I could tell she had been crying.

I sighed knowing that I should tell her everything, but the other half of me was yelling at myself to be quiet.

"Have you ever been scared before?" I asked. She nodded her head. "I was terrified when I woke up and found out you guys were werewolves. I did what I thought would keep myself safe. I didn't mean to hurt you, Sam. I would have told you what I was, but I know you guys hunt my kind and I was afraid you'd kill me if you knew. If it was switched around, I'm sure you'd do the same."

I watched for any reaction from Sam. After a while, she finally nodded her head.

"I guess I would do the same. But how come I never smelt you before hand? No one did." Sam said looking quite puzzled.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not really sure why either." I said as I walked back to the bed and sat down.

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