Chapter 8 (gone over)

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*who I picture as the beta, Jason <3*

Chapter eight

Erica's P.O.V.


I was thirteen again and living with the Williams. I didn't have a care for the world, in fact I could never see myself past junior high. All I ever thought of was playing with friends and living life without a care. I didn't have any responsibilities to worry about or anything.

I remember it was a Sunday afternoon and I was helping Mrs. Williams make chocolate chip cookies. I remember testing the dough to make sure it tasted good. Mrs. Williams was the person I was closest to. I would even consider her as my mom, but I wasn't sure if she would want me to call her mom, since I wasn't her real child.

Mrs. Williams was so caring, kind, and patient with me. She helped me when I didn't understand a math problem, she helped me when I fell off my bike and skinned my knee and elbow, and she also helped me face my fears of messing up for the spring play in fourth grade.

She told me things that have always stuck with me, even on her death bed she told me one thing that I will never forget.

"As long as the stars shine, whether you can see them or not, always know that I love you. You make me so proud and I don't want you to stop just because I'm gone." She said as she brushed away my tears.

That was the very last thing she said, before she died.

The pain I felt was like nothing I would ever wish for someone to have. It was as if someone had ripped my heart, my mom, away from me before I could tell her I love you.

Then the beatings came.

Suddenly, my head ached as if I was being beaten again. My stomach hurt too, along with my arms.

What the hell is going on?

*End of flashback*

I shot up from where I was laying and looked around. It was dark except for a few lights that were on low, but then I saw movement. Two bodies walking towards me. I quickly got up, but then collapsed to the floor. I put my hand over my stomach remembering the glass that was in it. My head was spinning, but I knew I had to get out of here. I could already sense them.


I pushed myself up and took off running for the closest door. I opened the double doors and looked back to see the two bodies were actually two bulky men and a small, skinny woman behind them. They picked up their speed, and that's when I bolted through the door only to feel hands grab my shoulders as my head made contact with the wall. Only it wasn't a wall. It was another werewolf.

I tried shoving him, but it hurt my stomach too much. I tried to slip out of his grip, but it wasn't working. He had me.

Fight harder!

"Sorry Beta, we didn't expect her to wake up for a few more hours." One of the men said, bowing his head slightly.

"Please Beta, we will restrain her and give her something to sleep so she doesn't disturb you, sir." The female said while she gave me a disgusted look.

The beta just starred at the group in front of him. Almost like he was debating what their punishment was going to be. I took this as my opportunity to try to break away.

I tried jumping out of his reach, but he just caught me by my waist.

"Let me go!" I yelled as I kicked my legs out. I wasn't going down without a fight.

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