Chapter 10

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The party ended at 1 AM. They all left Yujin's apartment.

They all bid goodbyes. Yena was about to enter her car when she saw Yuri waved goodbye to her members.

Where is she going at this hour?

Just then, she felt her phone vibrated.

Fetch me at the convenience store at the corner. Chaewon allowed me to stay with my friend's house tonight. I'll stay at your apartment.

Yena smiled when she read what Yuri texted her. She immediacy drove to the convenience store. She saw Yuri outside it waving at her.

Yena unlocked the door and Yuri entered her car. Once Yuri entered her car she started driving.

She felt Yuri's hand above hers which is on the gear stick. Yena looked at Yuri. Yuri just smiled and told her "Happy anniversary."

That's when Yena remembered. Today's their anniversary. Their second anniversary.

Yuri placed back her hand on her lap. Yena started driving to her apartment.

"Hey, how about we delay going to my apartment?" Yena asked Yuri when the stop light turned red. Yuri looked at Yena.

Yena took Yuri's hand. "I'm thinking maybe we should stop by the Han river? Han River doesn't seem busy at this hour. Let's just sit by the river for an hour and eat sausages. What do you say?"

Yuri smiled at Yena. She kissed Yena on the lips and said, "That's fine for me. I don't need to go back to the dorm until 2 PM tomorrow."

Once the stop light turned green, Yena took the road going to the Han river.

It doesn't took them long until they arrived at the Han River. Yena parked a little too far from convenience stores. It may be a little far from lights but it doesn't ruin the view in front of them.

Yena took out 2 blankets on the back seat. She placed one of them on top of her car's hood. She came back inside the car to fetch Yuri. The two sat above the hood.

"It's little chilly." Yuri said as she shivers from the cold. Yena smirked at her. "That's why I came prepared." Yena took out the other blanket and wrapped it around them.

"A little warm now?" Yena asked Yuri. The latter shook her head. "I don't know what to do for that now." Yena said and laughed nervously.

Yuri moved a little and snuggled onto Yena. "Now it's warm." Yuri said. Yena smiled when she heard what Yuri said.

"How can I be so lucky? I get to date softest and sweetest human in the world." Yena said as she placed her head above Yuri's.

"I'm the lucky one."Yuri said that made Yena confused." I get to date one of Korea's hottest and most famous solo artist." Yuri continued.

"So, you're just here for my fame and body?" Yena asked her. "The fame? No. The body? Maybe?" Yuri chuckled as she answered.

"Aish. Forget about the softest and sweetest human that I said. You're the most pervert human in the world." Yena joked. "You still love me though." Yuri said.

"Yeah, I do." Yena admitted. "I love you too." Yuri said and came closer to Yena which seemed to be impossible, but she did.

The two just stared at the view in front of them, letting the cold breeze of dawn pass them. Even though the breeze is cold, the two remained warm. Warm in each other's company.

"Hey, want some sausage or anything? I can buy some." Yena said when she realized that they were just sitting there. She doesn't mind tho. She just felt like she needs to complete the sausage part that she suggested earlier.

"No. I like it like this. Don't leave. You're warm." Yuri said in a husky voice.

She's getting sleepy. But she doesn't want this moment to end. She knew that it would take them a long time before having to do this again.

"Okay, baby." Yena said and kissed Yuri's forehead.

A little later, Yuri's breathing started to be heavier. Yena must've sensed that because she tapped Yuri's shoulder lightly.

"Let's go home? You're sleepy." Yena said. Yuri shook her head. "Don't want to. Can we just go back later?" Yuri answered.

"Baby, it's already almost 3 AM. You need to sleep. You have practice tomorrow." Yena told Yuri softly.

"But I don't have practice until 4 PM. Let's just stay a little bit." Yuri insisted, clinging to Yena's arm tighter.

"Yuri... Baby.... Let's go." Yena said softly but with a little dominance. Yuri couldn't do anything but to obey Yena.

"At least carry me back to your car." Yuri whined. "Gladly." Yena said.

Yena carried Yuri inside her car. After carrying Yuri, she went back outside to fix the blankets. When finished, she get inside her car.

She saw Yuri, sleeping soundly. She kissed Yuri's forehead before starting her car's engine.

The two arrived at Yena's apartment building not too long after. Yena has been staring into Yuri's sleeping face for minutes now.

She doesn't want to wake up the latter because of how peaceful she looks while sleeping. But in the end, she figured out that Yuri needs to sleep comfortably in her bed.

Even though it's hard for her, she wakes Yuri up by tapping her shoulder.

"Baby, wake up. We're here." She said softly. Yuri just released a little "hmm."

"Baby... Wake up." Yena tried once again. This time, Yuri opened her eyes slowly.

"Wake up. I wanted to carry you inside the building but I'm afraid that someone might recognise you. Let's get inside before the night gets rough." Yena told Yuri.

"I don't want to." Yuri whined.

"Baby... Joyyul... Let's go." Yena said.

Yuri couldn't do anything but to go out of the car.

The way to Yena's apartment unit was quiet. When they arrived, Yuri quickly went to Yena's bed and slumped herself in it.

"You should at least change." Yena said.

"Too tired." Yuri answered.

"Okay. I'll just get change then. Sleep now, okay?" Yena said before entering the comfort room.

"Make it quick." Yuri said, almost turned out as whisper.

When Yena came back, she saw Yuri still awake. Yuri's laying down but her eyes are still open.

"I told you to sleep, already." Yena said softly.

"Couldn't sleep without you beside me." Yuri said with a pout.

Yena got inside her comforter and laid beside Yuri. "Okay, now sleep." Yena said.

Yuri hugged Yena. Yena just caressed Yuri's arm that's hugging her.

"I love you." Yuri said before falling into slumber.

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